Chapter 7: No Turning Back

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"Alright, that sounds fair enough." Said Kazumi.

"This is rather…vague isn't it? What exactly will be your basis on who to choose in the end?" asked Nagihiko.

"Ah well, that is something we will let fate decide." Said Kazumi as he looked at Kenta "After all, I think the prince deserves a chance, don't you?"

"Shouldn't you have credentials for this? Or are you just going to play along as you go? That's just low." Said Rima.

"Now, of course not. We do have our basis of things. But know this, we are giving Terashima-kun a chance, therefore, there will be no arguments coming from Souma-san if the princess so chooses to spend time with him, and vice versa of course." Said Kazumi.

"I may be a prick at times, but I'm not a manipulative jerk." Muttered Kukai.

"So, it's decided then?" asked Kazumi.

"Enough." Aruto spoke "How long are you planning to have this go on?"

"Oh long enough, up until the princess makes the proper choice." Said Kazumi.

"This is insane, I will not subject Ikuto and Utau in this kind of treatment." Said Souko.

That's when everyone was quiet again. That is, until Ikuto spoke up "Wait, what do I have to do with this? I thought this was about Utau."

"Actually, that's not all Tsukiyomi." Hiro spoke up as he walked closer to where they were standing "I have my own score to settle with you."

"Excuse me?" asked Ikuto "What the...?" he wasn't able to finish when Hiro let out a laugh.

"Yes, your surprise amuses me. But…I have but one goal…" He turned to Amu and smiled "And that is, to win this fair maiden's heart."

"Oh he did not just say that…" muttered Kukai he was starting to lose patience "First Utau and now Hinamori too?"

"What?" asked Ikuto, it's as if he didn't hear right. And as for Amu, she wished she didn't hear anything at the moment.

"Ah yes, Hiro-san here has seen Hinamori-san as an eligible bride." Said Kazumi.

"Yeah, but he's forgotten one thing, she's taken!" stated Rima, now she was pissed.

"Not to worry, I have no intentions to do what Kenta has decided, I'm merely proposing a challenge. There's nothing illegal with that, is there?" asked Hiro. There was nothing wrong with Ikuto and Amu's engagement that Hiro could have used against them, so he proposed this instead.

"I don't care what you do, but don't you dare do anything to hurt Amu." Stated Ikuto.

"Hurt her? That's absurd. I wouldn't dare do such a thing. But I will not lose her to you. And I will do what it is in my power to attain what I want." With that said Hiro suddenly walked out of the room.

"…" No one spoke another word.

"Enough." Stated the king "Everyone, you need your rest, we'll continue this conversation another time."

"But…" Utau was about to protest when her mother silenced her.

"Now Utau, please. We'll settle this in our own terms. You've all been involved enough. Now, please go for now." Said Souko with a small smile. She wanted to save her children and their friends, whom she's grown quite fond of, from what's been happening.

"As you wish, thank you your majesty." Kukai said with a small smile. He held Utau's hand and tugged on it lightly "Come on, we can talk when we get out of here. Besides, you need your rest too."

Challenges of Tomorrow: A New Day Awaits ~SEQUEL~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang