New Kid

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Malar POV
*2 weeks*

It has been 2 weeks since me and Anirudh talked.Not even one text message,not even one call or not even one like on instagram(first world problem).Although I take the initiative to like like his Insta images and all but he doesn't even care.Shocking but sadly,whenever we make I contact,I smile at him but he doesn't even smile back.He doesn't even care when he walks past me,he doesn't even say hi.Like I'm a wooden.To be honest,I don't know how to react about it.He said he wanted me but Guess not. Probably he is like those F***boys who don't care about who they date.They get any girls they one because they had their looks and stuff and just by that they can get any girl.Thinking about this made me feel horrible.On the first 2 weeks,Anirudh was like so nice and I can't believe that I can be thinking like that of him.Ahh never mind let me get my head to class now.

Mr Joseph,my math and form/Homeroom teacher starts stacking some papers on his desk.Ugh are we gonna have a pop test or extra homework today Fml:(. "Students,today I have a new student coming to our school he transferred from the phlippiness(is that how you spell it)introduce yourself to him and treat him well said Mr Joseph.
Oh Mai so a new kid.oooh.Just then one tall guy with hair spiked to the side and with 2ND MOST GLISTENING EYES I HAVE SEEN.First is Anirudh of course.

OH MY GOD why do I always relate things to Anirudh gosh ugh.He doesn't even like me.He barely cares now ugh.Can we stop and move on like seriously.

New student:Hey everyone you guys can address me as Gabe *smiles*

Rest of the class:Hi Gabe/Hellooooo

Oh my oh my did I tell you this new kid was hella fine.He was actually really really good looking.I could tell he was gonna be those guys who get a lot of girls.Like cmon literally all those barbie like slut minded girls were looking at him as he was a thousand bucks or he was jewellery.

"Thanks Gabe.Please take a seat."

Of course was not even on bit near me YAY.Why can't cute new kids that come to school be seated near me or something like all those movies and then they fall in love just by asking a pencil and stuff ugh story of my life.

He then takes a seat and takes out his pencil case and notebook and etc. And yes he was seated near those plastics.They were all so onto him like "Hey Gabe!How are you what brings you here?Do you have a gf? " Poor him.

Lessons were later continued and of course I could not help but stare at ahem.

HAHAHA U GUESSED WRONG IT WASN'T ANIRUDH IT WAS GABE OGAY yup that's right Imma look at him now and enjoy his beauty and get over Anirudh.

Time was passing and my eyes were gazing right on Gabe.Oh Mai he was perfect I was totally fangurling over him man AHAHHAHA cmon it's true that some girls just stare at boys and that's their hobby ya know.

"Malar what's the answer for Qns 8(b)?"Mr Joseph asked.
Oh no.Ohhh no.I was paying attention at Gabe I didn't even care about Math.YOU CAN'T BLAME ME.Literally everybody's head turned to me even Gabe's.Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god Fml.:( NICE GO MALAR
"Huh?"I replied.
"What's the answer for Qns 8(b)?"
"Uh um..17.38?(fetty wap reference)"
Phew finally everyone's head went back to the teacher instead of me.Yikes that was scary.Especially Gabe he was looking at me ugh imma leave earth right now.

Mr Joseph looked at his book and he was like "mmm"
Please don't tell me it was wrong Gabe is here it will be so embarrassing. "And yup that's correct"He continued. "Good." JESUS CHRIST BLESS MY LUCK. Of course normally like all other schools and classes,some of the students were just cheering for me.Like those daring boys that make a lot of noise and those girls that scream saying YaY or sth.These are the hyper kids if you didn't know.

Just then Gabe suddenly smiled and looked at me....I think my heart just stopped man.He is HAWT and of course Anirudh barely cared.

I just continued with the lesson and finally after like 15 mins class ended.

Hi guys I'm finally updating for a while since my cca stuff has ended.Hope you guys like it.Comment and vote cos spread the love okay.Trust me I don't hate Anirudh or anything.Its just the fanfic.

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