First day of School

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Oh my god.Oh my god.Oh my god.First day of sch overseas.Without my parents.Me all alone.Myself.I thought to myself as the taxi driver drove me to my school oops college*.Well I have been selected to go and study abroad.I thought I was lucky and it was pretty cool.BUT BOY WAS I WRONG.I am shaking like some twerking miley idk.

As we reached the college,I thanked the taxi driver,payed him and got out off the cab.This was it.My new school....oops college*.As I walked into the sch I could already see many cliques and groups here and there.There goes my chance of having new friends.

I walked to the general office.Can we have a moment to thank god that there were signs.As I reached the door,my muscles all tensed.I felt odd.A feeling that I used to have when I'm nervous.I hate it.It ruins everything.Gosh why did even opening the Office door even be so dramatic and stressful.

I was about to knock on the door and waited patiently for the words come in.But instead everything turned upside down.As I was about to knock,someone opened the door at the same time.And guess what happened.That door freaking hit me and me being the most clumsiest person ofc fell down."Ouch" I groaned."Um...are you okay?"a voice asked me.Probably he opened the door.Tsk tsk.I looked up and ....HOLY SHET.OH MY GOD.THE GODDESS OF HELLA SEXAY BOYS.WTH HOLEY MILEY DID I SEE.The guy looked at me,eye to eye.He looked so cute.Tumblr af.He is hair was whipped to the side and he was wearing a superman goodie and some black pants and black nikes.Omg so cuteeeee. He reached he is hand out and smiled at me.I think I just experienced 4th of July in my body.It felt as if it's a movie but it was real life.I hold onto his hand,still staring at him,as he pulls me up fast.Damn he is strong.I quickly look down as our eyes reach the same level.He is still staring.Oh my.Just then I got back to my senses and I realised I was still supposed to talk to the principal.Gd morning Mr Ranen.I said looking at his name sign whatever you call that.We did what we had to do and I left for my class.My buddy was this girl named Ashley and I'm pretty cool with it.Bahahha

A/N:I'm re-writing my story ahahha.Sorry if it's boring as it goes and goes probably it would be better if it has vulgarities or anything dirty than.....oops.

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