Chapter 18: Too Bad Life Sucks

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Chapter 18: Too Bad Life Sucks

I let out a sigh as I look in the mirror. My eyes are red and I look like I just got hit by a truck. I fee absolutely horrible. But I've been missing all week. I can't miss today.

I find the strength to get in the bathroom and get ready for school. I decided not to wear makeup today. There's no point. I put on a sweater and some jeans. My hair is wet from where I washed it.

I head downstairs to the kitchen where Aunt Hellen was reading the newspaper. She looks up and smiles but it quickly fades. "Whats wrong with you?" she demands.

I shrug, heading into the kitchen. "I guess I'm sick."

She stands up. "Then you can't go to school today."

I sigh. "I've missed a week, Aunt Hellen. I can miss tomorrow. But the teachers need to know that I'm still alive."

She looks at me for a while before nodding slowly. "Alright, sweetheart. But you have to promise to call me if you start feeling worse."

I nod before heading outside - where Tommy and Ryan were waiting on me.

"I sww you finally got ungrounded," I tell Tommy and he looks up from his phone.

Ryan shakes his head, as if disappointed. "When I'm grounded, it's usually for like a month or two. He got one week."

I roll my eyes. "Okay, well, congratulations, Tommy. You're officially allowed to come over tonight."

He gives me a sheepish look. "Actually, I told Tricia I'd hang out with her tonight. You know, since I wasn't allowed to do anything for a week."

I pretend to pout. "But then what am I going to do with myself?"

He smiles. "You can do all the homework you've missed. And listen to Christmas music."

Ryan laughs from the front seat. "Too bad life sucks and it's not Christmas."

I huff. "How are we even friends?" I mutter, loud enough for them to hear me.

Tommy grins at me. "You love me."

I hit the back of his head. "You wish."


The rest of the day just dragged on. I was lucky to still be alive by lunch. Tommy wanted to sit with the soccer team so I went to go sit with Lindy - which unfortunately includes sitting with Jonah. She gives me a smile before eating her food. "So, guess what?"

I wait patiently for her to speak and she lets out a girlish squeal. "Liam told me he loved me yesterday."

I give her a look. "Seriously?"

she nods excitedly. "Oh, Carter. You totally should've been there. It was the most romantic thing ever."

"Did you say it back?"

She nods. "He told me I was his number one girl and that he's already planning our future."

I finally smile back at her. "That sounds great, Lindy. I'm glad you're so happy."

"I really like him Carter. I really hope this works out."

Me too, I think to myself. I don't want to see her upset again - even after everything she put me through. So I listen to her talk about her romantic date up until the bell rings. I caught Jonah throwing glances at me every once in a while but I ignored him.


Jonah sends me a smile after school. I give a small smile before rushing out to the parking lot before he could catch up to me. I promised him during lunch that we could talk after school. I didn't mean it - hence why I'm trying to run away.

"Carter, wait," I hear him call from behind me.

Right as I reach Tommy's brother's car, he grabs me by the arm. I bite my lip as he turns me to face him. "Carter, you said we could talk," he says softly.

"I know, " I mutter.

"Is it okay if I drive you home?"

Tommy was now headed towards us. I noticed how Jonah was still holding my hand and quickly pull it away. "Yeah," I say slowly. "Let me tell Tommy first."

I let Tommy know what's going on. He seemed reluctant to let me go. "Carter, I don't trust him."

"Just let me hear him out. I'll be okay."

So with that, I follow Jonah to his car.

He opens the car door for me and I slip into the front seat. "Thanks," I mutter.

The first few minutes were very silent. The tension was thick enough to cut through with a knife. After a few more minutes of silence, Jonah turns to look at me. "So... how are you?"

I give him an incredulous look before rolling my eyes. "Just great."

He sighs. "The reason I wanted to talk to you was because I realized something."

I nod, waiting for him to continue.

"I broke things off with Heather."

Surprise would not even begin to describe my face. Did he seriously just say what I think he said? "What?" I finally manage to ask.

He sighs. "I realized that I was never happy with her. I just thought I was. I wanted to give her a fair chance. But me and Lindy were talking yesterday and I accidently told her that I wanted to stay with you. So she really wanted me to tell you. And I couldn't tell her knowing I had a girlfriend."

By now I was crying. I've been wanting to hear him say that for a while now. I cant believe he's telling me this now. "So what are you saying?"

He looks straight at me as we pull into my driveway. "I love you, Carter."



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