It's Official: The Sequel is HERE!

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Hey my little DayDreamers! (My little nickname for you guys)

I have officially (and successfully) found and planned a story for the sequel. While I was studying I kept brainstorming about the sequel and finally had all the bits and pieces in place! Originally, the sequel was suppose to be Unknown Secrets (which I have uploaded), but I felt it was falling apart and I needed to re-write it and create a brand new plot. So, here's the title: "Zerrie: The Thing About Fame".

And here's the plot:

Zerrie always wanted to be an actress or a model or a singer, like her parents, but Zayn has always been against this. She tries to forget about her dreams because of her dad, but she can't. She can never ever let go of what she always wanted. So, when she talks to Zayn about it, it leads to painful fight and a secret has been revealed. Tired of being controlled and guarded by her parents, Zerrie runs away and ends up in the outskirts of London, where she stumbles upon Michael Clive and his nieces Sarah and Zoe. With the help of her new friends, Zerrie tries to make it to stardom. But is fame really worth it? Is it much more important than family and forgiveness? Join Zerrie on her journey to fame, and as she tries to learn about the world of fame and fortune.

So, do you guys like it? Comment below!

I'm on Twitter BTW:


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