Hello Folks!

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Now we hella know it's a Christmas music video!

NOT TO MENTION HOW FLAWLESS THEY ARE. ❤️😍 Kirstie and Mitch's outfits are #goals 😍

Didn't watch it yet? Then what are you doing? :D GOOO!!!

I have a question:

Is having two fandoms alright? :/ (Your fandoms, comment it here. :) I'll start.)

What if you fall out of love with the other. 😭😱

What if you put more attention to the other?!


Well...... *raises hand* I almost did. Admitting but I'm scared to throw my adoption paper from Pentatonix. AND I WON'T, BECAUSE ADOPTING A BAND IN MY LIFE COST MY HEAD NOW IM CRAZY. 😂🙌🏻

Eh, what's the point, huh? Two fandoms are cool, just love them equally, right?

Anyway! How is everyone doing! :)

Oh. Mirstie Shippers, one drama short story of Mirstie is around the corner. :) Please read "My Blood", it's a Mirstie Short Story, and I'm pretty sure you guys will like it. ^_^

Bye, guys!

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