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So.. Here's some new news for you!

What the hell is new news? Oh whatever. Y'all get it xD

Anyways so there has been a new helper to PTXNAS and that is me!

No. I am not Cielo.

Pft. I wish I was, then I would be Selina who looks amazing besides Batman.. ;) ❤

I am amazing friends with her.
Am the one and only..

I am..

I. Am..




So.. now am part of this! Hell yeah.
Cielo told me she needed help, and since am always on Twitter.. I always know what is happening to PTX, where they are, and what they are doing.

(Stalker much? I know. Y'all stalk them too. I know you do. How do you guys write your detailed fan fictions then? Huh? Huhhh!? XD)

So she gave me her info for her account, to help her update this frequently because she trusts me.


Anyways, I trust her too and I promised her I'll help her, help you guys who don't have twitter to help you know what's going on in the world of PTX.

Phew that was long.


Am so happy I am part of this PNAS company ™


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