Interlude II

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Interlude II

Graveyard. 12:30 PM.

        Becky was leaning against the massive weeping willow in the graveyard. She was wearing black, heeled boots, a long black trench coat, and a black sunhat with a single white band with a bow at the front. Her black-gloved hands were holding a red-lipstick stained cigarette. She calmly puffed away. Most people smoked for stress relief, but Becky just smoked for the hell of it.

        “You came,” she noted, not bothering to look at the approaching figure. She already knew who it was.

        “I did call you, didn’t I?” James smirked. His hands were in his pockets.

        She blew some smoke into his face. He didn’t flinch. He just continued to gaze at her intently, in a predatory sort of way.

        Becky began to laugh. “You think I don’t know that you came here to kill me?” she smirked.

        James was surprised, but he didn’t let it show. He had trained himself to hide his emotions, the few times they did appear.

        Becky threw her cigarette on the floor and stepped on it to put it out. “Oh James. Or should I say Timothy McGregor?” she continued.

        James said nothing. He merely stood there, preparing himself for the perfect moment to kill.

        “Don’t you want to know how I figured it out?” she asked.

        Once again, her question was met with silence.

        She glared at him. “Don’t be so emotionless. I know you have emotions. Even though you were just playing with mine, I’ve seen you with Naomi.”

        He met her eyes and smirked. “Did I break your little heart?” he taunted.

        She gritted her teeth. “I have no heart," she spat.

        He walked closer to her. “Of course you do. You want me. You’d do anything for me. I have your loyalty. I have your heart,” he retorted, bringing his face so close to hers that he could feel her warm breath on his skin. "That is why you killed all those people for me, isn't it?" he asked softly as he gently lifted up her chin with his finger. He knew that she couldn’t resist him. He could see it in her conflicted dark brown eyes. “But enlighten me, if that’s what you really want,” he commanded as he pulled away.

        A slight blush crept up her cheeks as she balled her hands into fists. She despised that he had that effect on her; that he made her show weakness. “Well this graveyard is my home. I know every grave in it, but suddenly a new grave appears with a name I’ve never heard of, and there’s no funeral to go with it. And then, there are three black roses. That’s your signature. One for each victim. Then I got to thinking. Who is this Timothy McGregor? A few hacks here, a few trips there and voilà. I know everything about you,” she retorted. “There’s only one thing I don’t get. Why are you in love with Naomi? And why haven’t you killed Matt if you want her that badly? You didn’t hesitate to kill your other brother.” Becky took a seat on a gravestone, but kept a watchful eye on Timothy.

        He smirked. “You’re a smart girl. Why don’t you tell me?”

        She laughed. “OK. I think it’s because you really love her and you know she could never love a monster like you.”

        His smirk faltered. “You don’t know that.”

        Becky’s smirk grew as his waned. “Actually I do. Do you think little Naomi will love you when she finds out you’re the reason her friends and family are dead?” she taunted. “I should have just killed her when I had the chance.”

        “You wouldn’t do that. You know that I would kill you if you did.”

        Becky scoffed. “That’s the difference between me and you. I really do not care about anything or anyone. That’s your weakness.”

        Now it was Timothy’s turn to laugh. “You would believe that. I, unlike you, have a purpose. You are just aimlessly walking through your life, not knowing why you do the things you do. Being in love with me gives your life meaning. I give your life meaning.”

        She stood up defensively. “Not anymore. I can find my own purpose! I don’t need you.” She glared at him and started to walk away.

        “How? Everyone either hates you or is afraid of you!” he yelled after her.

        “Hate and fear are powerful emotions. Only the greatest are connoted to both!” she yelled back.

        As soon as her back was turned, Timothy smirked. Everything had gone according to plan. In a couple of minutes when Becky got into her car, she would be no more.

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