Chapter 2. Stop Bugging Me!

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  The dirt path slowly changes to concrete as I enter the city of Santalune. I stare at the beautiful fountain in the center of the town, which is of a Roselia. The Roselia's roses are spouting water into the open fountain below.

  "So cool. Let's go Zeke. I wanna go get some rooms at the Pokemon Center." Calem says, walking towards the big orange-roofed building. We walk in and approach the counter, where a nurse patiently waits for people.

  "Welcome to the Santalune Pokemon Center. How may I help you?" She smiles warmly at us, her Blissey walking up behind her.

  "Two rooms please." Calem says, receiving two keys from her. Our rooms are Room 7 and Room 8 which are right across from each other.

  "Did you guys get the rooms?" The rest of the group walks in, all seemingly happy. Calem holds out a key to the girls and us boys walk to our room. We wait until Calem opens the door before calmly walking in.

  The room has two sets of bunk beds, a bathroom, and a TV for us to watch. I take the top bunk closest to the door, Calem takes the one under me, Tierno takes the other top bunk and Trevor take the final bunk below Tierno.

  "I'm gonna take a shower first." I yell out, pulling out my second outfit and rushing to the bathroom. As I enter, I get the water going just right before stripping down and getting into the nice, warm water.

  "Hello. It's me. I figured after all these years you'd like to meet." I start to sing a song that reminded me of leaving Hoenn, which I miss so much.

  "Hello from the outsiiiiiiiiide. I must've called a thousand tiiiiiimes. To tell you I'm sorry for everything that I've done." I hear a knock at the door, which startles me and stops me from singing.

  "Oi! Hurry up, will ya Adele?" I feel my face turn red as Calem snickers from his joke on the other side of the door. I quickly hop out of the shower and dry off.

  I slip on my new clothes. I have no beanie, meaning my black hair down to about my shoulder. I have on my black T-shirt with the Torchic line on it, and a pair of grey cargo shorts.

  I swiftly open the door, accidentally hitting Calem in the face in the process. I stifle a laugh at him falling backwards and flat into his hind end.

  "What was that for?!?!" He growls, causing me to bust out laughing. I pull him up, muttering something under my breath.

  "Everyone, give me your Pokemon! Now!" A scream comes from down the hallway. We all grab our stuff and run to Nurse Joy, where a man stands, threatening people with his Croagunk.

  The man has flamboyant bright orange clothing. His hair is in a weird style of some sorts. It's bright orange and is in the shape of the flame on his belt buckle. He has a white undershirt covered by an orange suit, some orange pants being held up by a revolting orange belt with a flame symbol on the buckle, and a pair of black shoes. A pair of orange sunglasses rest on the bridge of his nose and cover his eyes.

  "Someone please help us!" Nurse Joy cries out, the Croagunk holding a Drain Punch over her face. She has tears flowing down her face as the man prepares to go for the kill. The rest of the group runs into the lobby and we all nod at each other.

  "Torchic, use Ember!"

  "Fennekin, Ember that Croagunk!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2016 ⏰

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