Chapter 54 - We need to find him

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As I read through his text for so many times I got really panicky.

I felt like this text said more than it actually did.

I felt like he's giving up...

I needed to find him.

- But how do you want to find him? - Diego asked - He can be anywhere...

- I'm pretty sure he went back to London - I replied - But in London... I have no idea where can he be...

- Then maybe we can help you.

I didn't even realize that Olga left the kitchen, only when she came back with Jeremias and Selvaggia on her side.

- Who are you? - asked Diego.

- Do you know anything about where he can be?? - I asked them - Any of you! Please...

- Calm down, Angie... - Jeremias said calmly.

- Don't tell me to calm down!

- Appearently German decided to act like a stupid child and ran away - said Selvaggia on a really sarcastic way - But the idiot went to the most obvious place he...

- Obvious only to you two! - I hissed.

- I'll take you there - Jeremias smiled - But before that...

- What?!

- Why are you panicking so much?

- Eh?!

- You always said you have nothing going on between you and him and now you're panicking like you'd be his girlfriend, or wife. I want to know why...

- What?! I'm panicking because...

For a quick second I stopped talking as I didn't know what to say.

I mean... I was worried about him might doing something stupid that he shouldn't.


- I'm panicking because I'm worried, Jeremias! I'm worried that he might hurt himself!

Jeremias didn't say anything, just smiled then soon pulled me with him to his car and we left.

- Waaait a moment! - I spoke up again - What was Selvaggia doing here?!

- Please don't freak out... - he started - But her and German know each other for some time now... In fact she's like some type of mentor to him.

- Mentor?

- Yes. I only know this from her, but... He knew her since he was deeply addicted and she was one of those very few people that could make him to go the hospital...

- Ah...

- And now you're afraid he might gonna get back to his bad habits because of all this that happened, right?

- Yes...

- I know where he is... So we'll get him... But then you shouldn't be holding yourself back... Because that won't help him change his mind in whatever he's thinking about right now...

I stayed silent.

- I know you love him more than you have ever shown that to anybody - he continued - When we find him... You need to tell him...

- What if it won't work?!

- This is what he needs now...

- How do you know...

- We didn't keep contact for years, but.... He's still my brother... So I know more about him than anybody... But we need to find him first...

I just nodded.

I didn't know what else to do right now.

I'm so panicked...

Sherlock and Watson (Germangie)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin