Chapter 1 - The meeting: Part 1

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A/N: First chapter.

Enjoy ^_^

Angie's POV:

Today is the day I'm going to this man and to live with him for the next... I don't know how long.


Because appearently his father's paying me to keep an eye out on his son and make sure he won't drink, or use drugs.

It's not like I don't care, but... Living in the house? Seriously? It's a bit too much... But I'm going with it right now.


I arrived to the address and rang the door bell.

A few seconds later I hear a scream:


- What the hell? - I mumbled to myself while walking into the house, looking around confused.

The house looked quite big, but also pretty empty...

I heard he just came out of the hospital so I'm guessing this is a new place to live at for him and that's why it's empty.

Or not....

As I walked in to one of the rooms I found a huge dining table, filled with papers and pictures about me and literally about my whole life.

- What....

- My bad! - I suddenly heard the male voice coming from behind me and soon appeared a weirdly hyperactive man - I wanted to know some things before you actually arrive!

He then jumped right beside her, holding his hand out...

- German! Nice to meet you! - he said.

- Yeah, I...

- Angeles Carrara, I know!

"No shit you know... Sherlock" - I thought.

- Moving in right away? - he asked as he looked at the bags I had with me.

- Uhh.. Yes, as...

- Good! Come and I'll show you your room!

- Ah! O-okay... - I stuttered as I ran after him as he ran up the stairs already.

He lead me to a pretty big room, where he quickly show me everything, then...

- Okay! If there's no more questions let's get to the police station!

- What? Why?!

- We're gonna be consultants at the station to help my friend out!

- A friend?

- Not really a friend, but someone! Come on!

- What?!

But I didn't have time to ask anything more as he quickly pulled me with him and soon out on the door.


So far we're doing great, I guess.

Atleast he doesn't hate me too much.

----- TIME SKIP -----

Arriving to the station I was immediately introduced to Capt. Johnson, the leader of the team we'll be working in and also...

- David?!

David is an old school mate and great friend of him, I haven't seen for years and this made me really happy.

- Angie! What are you doing here? - he cheered while we hugged.

- That's a long story to tell now... But I'm glad to see you!

- Same! So we're gonna work together, huh?

- Yes! Seems like it!

- Angeles! - I suddenly hear German shouting my name.

- Coming!! - I replied then saying a quick goodbye to David I went to German and the others that were already checking through some files.

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