Chapter 27 - In the ruthless lion's crave

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German's POV:

- I'm leaving the 30th message, Angeles! Either you're having a great "fun" with Jeremias, or something else, but call me back! - I groaned into the phone, leaving another message.

Angie doesn't seem to want to talk to me for hours and this makes me worried.

I might have to kill Jeremias for this.

And I don't know why... But I don't feel right...

Something's really off...

----- TIME SKIP -----

It's 4am now.

Still no calls from Angie, but a furious knock on the door that sounded like it's gonna be broken soon, if I'm not opening.

- Coming! - I shouted, seconds before I opened the door.

And at the door there stood Jeremias.

- I have a problem! - he said, panting heavily - Can I come in?

I was hesitant, but I let him in anyway.

----- TIME SKIP -----


- Calm down, German! - Jeremias panted.

- I'm not gonna calm down because you fucking say so! - I shouted, now a bit calmer - Because of you Angie got kidnapped! What the fuck did you think when you're working for these people and they see you're with a cop?! Even if she's not a cop Angie and I are most likely in the news! You fucking idiot!

- I'm working on it, okay?! But I need your help!

- What the fuck did you do?!

- I'd rather ask what do they want!

- Why?! What do they want?!

- I'll tell you, but let's get going now!

- I don't trust you! What if you want to kill me?!

- Why would I fucking kill you?! You're my brother, damnit!

Now I sighed deeply, trying to calm myself down before actually listening to his plan and get going.

If Angie gets killed I'll kill Jeremias, that's for fucking sure!

----- MEANWHILE -----

Angie's POV:

I woke up to an awful headache and as I opened my eyes I found myself in an old building, tied up.

Where the hell am I?!

I remember I was being drugged and someone they got me here, but... Why am I here?

- Nice to see you finally waking up, Miss Carrara - I heard the same deep voice that I heard before I fainted, or whatever - I almost thought I have you too much uhm... "Medicine".

- Where am I? Why am I here??

- You're here because of your boyfriend. So say thanks to him.

- Who? Jeremias?!

- Exactly. If he does what we asked him to do in time then you might leave freely. Until then... Welcome to the lion's crave - he said while looking around at his friends.

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