Chapter 16 - Jade

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German's POV:

I hate to admit, but I was upset the whole evening.

I was upset because Angie was with that liar Jeremias for 3 hours now and I'm starting to think she gave in to his lies.


I know she's smart enough to not to give in!


- I'm home! - I suddenly heard her voice then the door close which made me feel extremely relieved now - German!

- In the library! - I shouted.

A few seconds later she came in and I could barely handle my happiness.

- How was the date? - I asked her.

- Great - she replied as she sat down - But I'm glad it's over.

- So do I - I mumbled.

- Oh really?

- Uh... What?

- You know I heard you.

- I didn't say anything.

- Yeah, of course - she smirked for some reason as she headed upstairs.

I didn't even ask anything more because I knew I would end up doing, or saying something terribly stupid.

----- TIME SKIP -----

Angie's POV:

We got another case to work on, but this time a woman was involved that German already knew.

Her name was Jade LaFontaine.

She seemed more like someone that's always full on money and has a rich husband, or something like that, but...

She seemed like she was more into German than helping us.

- So how're you doing, German? - she asked, trying to be charming, but it was rather annoying - Why didn't you tell me you're in the city again? I'd have wanted to go and see you!

- I was busy - German replied shortly as he continued looking around, but Jade kept following him.

- So how did you get here? - I decided to ask her - Did you know this guy?

- His name's David, and yes... Yes, I knew him - she replied, playing to be sad, but she actually wasn't - A great friend... Lover... Husband...

- Was he your husband? - German questioned.

- He was... Until 2 months ago.

- What happened? He didn't have enough money?

- German! How can you say that?

- Let's be honest. You only marry men that have enough money to satisfie your crazy habits. This is how you lived your life back then and you still do.

- Nah - Jade shaked her head.

- I honestly don't care much, to be honest - German shrugged as we continued working.

----- TIME SKIP -----

That evening we were having dinner...

- How long do you know Miss LaFontaine? - I asked him out of curiousity.

- A few years. Around 5, I guess - he replied - Why?

- I was just curious.

- Only curious?

- Yes.

- Alright - he mumbled.

- It was only that, okay?

- I didn't say anything.

After 2 minutes of silence he continued with...

- We had a very passionate relationship back then.

- Ah...

- We usually...

- I don't need details! - I cut him off quickly before he starts to speak more - Let's just change the subject, okay?

- As you wish - he said as we continued our dinner...

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