Chapter 27- Inferno

Start from the beginning

Marie straightens her back as Reyna's fingers reach for the door handle. Her frown turns into a wide, fake smile. "Reyna! I wanted to say a few things before you keep working," she sighs as Reyna steps further into the office, pulling an empty chair from in front of the office desk. The flames flicker in the back of her mind as she remembers the news report she watched the other morning. That house burnt to the ground. Reyna nods, comforting herself in the chair.

"What's up?" Reyna replies.

Marie smirks and rests her palms on the desk in front of her, playing the words in her head. She knew what would come next. "The house that burnt down was the act of an outside source, which means that someone purposefully burnt down his house," she adds, "I want you to find the serial killer." Reyna's smile widens.

"You want me to find the killer? Did you find some more evidence for me?" So far, Reyna had nothing much on who this famed killer is. The evidence couldn't lead to one specific person, and each time she moved closer to finding out the truth, another barrier blocked her on the road. This killer didn't want to be found, and so Reyna had to ask the question. She had to know if something- anything- could help her catch the killer. This magazine job had to be worth something.

Marie opens a file on her desk, flicking through the multiple pages. "I do," she replies, reading through Page 12, "my sister found this last night and it's our only new lead. We have motive to believe that the killer is meeting with a mystery woman today at 3:00. Steak it out." She closes the file and hands it to Reyna. "I trust you." Her assistant taps on the door, peeking her head inside the room. Reyna's only thoughts lie on the new information. Maybe this time the information will finally catch the killer? After all, Olive Winters was hardly any help, and every other minor clue led to one dead end after another. Her uncle's voice fills her head as she thinks about what he would do right now. He'd be there to support her, and she'd be there to support him. Maybe she'll call him and ask him to come with her. Maybe she'll be brave and go alone. Maybe. Just maybe.

Marie escorts her back to the bustling halls of the office. "I'll report back to you as soon as possible, boss," Reyna adds as the pair reach Reyna's desk. Helena stares up at her sister and her friend in amusement, continuing to type words into the open word document on her desktop computer.

"You know you can call me Marie. We can be more than just boss and employee, Reyna." She replies, extending her hand out to the woman in front of her. "Don't disappoint me." Her welcoming smile disappears and turns into a firm, emotionless facade. Reyna accepts and outstretches her hand, shaking hands with her boss. She hadn't even asked why she was chosen, why the new girl was more responsible than the others, some who have been here probably for far more years than her, but she didn't want to question it. She doesn't need to. This is her time to prove her worth.

A wide smile crossed her face. "You can trust me, Marie," she replied, and somehow, without questioning herself, both Marie and Reyna knew that those four words had to be true.



The blossoming breeze flourishes on the top of the high-set building, as she stands at the edge, waiting for the world to lift her off her feet and carry her on a cloud. She watches the gathering storm of children dissipate down stone pathways to front doors. She spots each and every little wannabe character, and the depressive thoughts crumble back in as she realises their fantasies are about to be crushed dreams. She can't help but think about how they'll feel when they realise they can't be mermaids or fairies, or that Santa Claus isn't real. One more step and she could end her misery forever.

One more step. The wind whips against her black lace dress, her black pigtails blowing about. One more step. She stands at the top of the tall building, overlooking the streets below. One more step. The handle of the old metal door rattles. If someone found her up here, what would they say? The door creaks open. Mara freezes on the edge of the building, hearing the door slam shut. Six words escape into the chilled atmosphere.

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