There Was This One Girl

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There was once a girl, in this story her name goes unknown. She had fallen for a man that loved her and wanted to be with her. Though this man had wicked deeds indeed, he would not keep his sights only for her. She understood of course, she knew that men in this prime age needed to explore. Though she had tried many times to tell him to go and wonder about what he wants. For she did not want false hope with such a person. As time goes by he claims to love her. She knew that in this sticky web of lies that he did mean what he would say. Then again just like a clear canvas, his emotions swayed and turned away from her. One moment he would be head over heels and want her for himself. The next he would forget he even has a someone who wants his loyalty. This man was despicable, lies would be spoken. She didn’t understand, why would someone play such a pointless game? In all his badness, she looked for the good. He wasn’t an awful person, he was fool. Bright attitude and very capable of being a gentleman when need be. He had spoken of a family and marriage ties. Making her hope for a pointless future and she knew this is all nothing but false words. Though this girl would think on ends of a conversation, she caught herself many time pondering the fact that she can have a future with him. Instead she tried to keep herself in check. In moments time they began to talk less and less. They would actually go many days without a word spoken to one another. Cute nicknames for one another began to drop. Many times she had tried to end this “game”. Though one thing kept her to keep trying, and she hoped to fix it. She recalled a conversation where she had told him why she didn’t want this relationship no more. Except he had said sweet words to her, “I will never make you regret being with me.” These words won her heart over. She began to fall in love with this man, his smile, bluntness, and his other side. Days they didn’t speak, she would think about him. Wonder how he’s doing and wondering if he’s also thinking about her. Finally the day came. He said, “I don’t think this is working out.” Fear had struck her internally, and with a cheerful expression replied, “I tried telling you.” She choked out a fake laughter. Not knowing what he was thinking. After that moment her mind was clouded with thoughts of him. When she wanted to go back to him, she would remember all the bad things he had done. She remembered he would look at other women and comment on them. Slightly her heart would hang heavy with resentment. She knew this was coming, she knew that none of the moments were true. She thought back on her memories again. Little conversations they had, in her mind. Their conversations were filled with care and love. Her hands trembling and her throat burning, her eyes began to water. To her, she did not believe in crying about these types of things. Truth was she really missed him. She wanted him to be hers again, the day they met was one in a million. By some strike of luck they began to talk. Then he had asked her to be his, and that he would care for her. That his love was truly true, she heaved herself over and began to cry out his name. Knowing that stupid man hooked her onto him, even when she “thought” she knew what was going on. Lying in a ball, she whimpered and wanted to forget every minute she had spent with him. A truly deceitful man, had tricked a courteous girl.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2013 ⏰

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