Chapter One

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A/N: Hey yall! If you're reading this thanks for coming back for round two. DING DING DING 😂😂 read on...

November POV

"You sure you ready for this?" Tiffany asked me through the mirror as she fixed my veil and I ran my hands over my beautiful wedding dress.

"Yes. I'm ready," I smiled at her through the mirror.

"You look gorgeous." Rhonda smiled at me.

I was ready to do this. Get married, have a family, be happy. I deserved it. Finally.

"Okay come on, let's go. Don't wanna keep your groom waiting." Tiffany ushered me out of the room and in front of the church doors.

"Ready to walk in... One... Two... Three." The wedding planner whispered as the doors opened and the church organ played. I know that we'd already went over how everything would look and be decorated with the wedding planner, but to actually see it come to life was amazing. It was so beautiful and it was there was an even more beautiful man waiting for me at the end of the aisle. (Church in mm)

The walk down the aisle was long and I was focused on not busting my ass.

I finally reached the alter and let out a breath of relief.

"Glad you made it." He whispered, "You look perfect."

"Thank you." I grinned.

"I take that back you are perfect." He pecked my lips.

"We haven't gotten to that part yet." The pastor whispered.

"Sorry," we both laughed.

The pastor said a few words, to be honest I wasn't really paying attention, I was too excited to really hear what he was saying.

"Now we will have the exchanging of the vows. November, you will go first. Repeat after me. You ready?"

"Yes," I smiled at the pastor.

"Okay. I November Elizabeth Jones..."

"I November Elizabeth Jones...

"Take you Du-"

The church doors busted open and everyone turned to see what was going on.

"YOU NOT DOING THIS NOVIE! YOU NOT MARRYING THIS NIGGA!"Odell came running down the aisle towards Duke and I. "DAMN IT I LOVE YOU."

A/N: Wait. Hold up. Run that back. What the fuck happened?? Lmao 😂 😂 😂 love yall to pieces! Please vote and comment! :D xoxo

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