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The bell rang indicating it was time for the Chemistry class to begin. There was one funny thing about this particular class; whether or not you came on time, you were most likely to find yourself at the back of the class. Why, you may ask? The people who came first, took the first row seats initially - only to be pushed to the back or to the middle of the class to make space for the new chairs that were dragged into the class. After all, the students coming in had to sit somewhere, right. Also, in the case of being VERY late, you were made to stand for the remaining time of class, again, at the back of the class. Just so that we're clear, the seats behind the first row were also occupied by the students. . . .


Very lame - whatever but how else does one describe Matt? He's the reason why the words 'lame' and 'funny' was invented!

I don't recall doing this but Matt says, I turned and when our eyes had met during the class, I had given the creepiest and scariest glare. Hmm, I guess you guys didn't think I could be intimidating because of the tone I write in. All about 'never judging a book by its cover' bullshit should actually be taken seriously. Like, really, I'm not even kidding! My friends and I had judged Matt when we used to study in an all-girls campus and that was when he used to resemble to a twig with not-so-straight teeth (if I put it nicely), and as you can tell from my description it wasn't really something any of us would be proud of. But hey! It's not like the karma didn't bite us in arse. Let's just say, he has found a similarity between me and an egg. I don't even see the connection but okay and let's not even forget about how he magically turned out to be a friend's of Erik and played with us occasionally afterwards while we dwelled in the guilt. Karma, you're a bitch!

You all would be wondering how I got from an I-am-vomiting-rainbows tone in the previous chapters to this harsh and rude tone? See, the point is, when he'll read this it will be his birthday (wish him, right this second!) and unlike how he wished me with sweet words, only because he was feeling generous and lovey-dovey, I'll be wishing him with a lot of hateful words, because Matt is my homie, I say whatever I want to say to my nigga, you understand?


So where were we?

Right, the class. A repeat of what happened in the class occurred in the compound. Only this time he was smiling friendly and I was . . . Well, I was doing what I do best! This exchange though, stayed with me in my memories.

Later after many games sessions of kings and what-not together, we befriended each other but Matt, no matter how funny he was, he always remained at an emotionally distant level - reserved, for the lack of a better word. I thought time would change him and he would be more at ease but that didn't happen and in the end, the curiosity brimming since the day one got the best of me and then I pursued a mission to get to know him better. No, I am not nosey or snoopy but I am a writer and I need inspiration. This comes from stories and stories come from people. Though this was late after I first messaged him on his number and that too was to inquire this gentleman with unruly dark hair and a bit of excessive fat on his belly about the institution we both attended after college for extra help.

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