Here for Victoria!

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I really wish there was an option to add emoji in here LOL. There will be only two parts to this because I'm already extending the lengths of my chapters and these notes don't come in them (don't you worry) and editing the others on the side. I really hope for once in my life I update when I say I will and right now I'm saying it will come out on Tuesday. If it doesn't it will definitely come out on Wednesday. The next character will start probably from Sunday. 

Meanwhile enjoy what I'm giving you. He he. 

Part #1

Ninth grade, it was our break and after eating lunch early, we had just finished playing basketball. I'm sure that it was basketball this time because of the fact that Jawairia, Sanniya and maybe Amna had played with us too and there is no way one of them would have played with us if we were playing football. It was a cloudy if not a rainy winter noon. It was our mid-teens time and you know how excited and nosey a 90s kid can get and imagine the rush of glitters and jitters and adrenaline and what-the-heck-NOT! When they would notice somebody from a brand or from ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING; who had come to your school to offer you some of their services for free and represent and promote their brand. I'm pretty sure you understand why I didn't opt for business subjects OR because I didn't opt, I explained the way I just did. Anyways, this time it was faculty of a saloon that had come.

I remember how we sneaked in the main hall, which was luckily right next to our class, in hopes to avoid the class completely or at least few minutes of it. By few I mean about 10 and an added 5 minutes that we'd take to leave, settle in our seats and then get ready for the impending lecture. Upon entering, I couldn't escape the gaze of one of the stuff members that had come. She was taller than I was (duh) and had her dyed blond hair wrapped up in a bun that sat on the top of her head. I held her gaze for a few minutes. Shrugging, I went to sit next to one of my friends. We waited but the presentation didn't start immediately. Given the opportunity by delay, I walked up to the said stuff member and asked how I could get rid of my tan that I had acquired through hours spent in the ground, playing football. She told me to wait; only to call me up later as the 'footballer' who came up to her and then answered my query. At the end, business calling cards were distributed. I took it home and bragged about how good they were.

Several months later, when the owner of the saloon, we formerly went to, left for Britain, (I think?) I asked my mom to go to this very saloon because I don't know. . . I just did! May be it was fate. This was the first saloon I popped up in my head and so we resorted to this option than waiting for another month (or so) for our stylist to return from her trip. That's how I met Victoria. Even until the very end of that presentation I didn't know what was her name; maybe because I was laughing the first half hour of it. So when we went there the first time, I was supposed to listen when she told us her name but I wouldn't be R., if I did. I got to know she was Victoria when my mother was bragging about her beauty to her little sister. Needless to say, they liked the saloon. Or maybe they liked Victoria and her mother more than the saloon itself!

Then began our sessions. Every time I would go there and find her there; we would sit and talk endlessly - well she talked and I  was stammering half of the time to form my sentences properly. I had seen Victoria with stars in my eyes ( *_* ) always and that had somehow made me think she was cooler than me and that really made me nervous around her. We became friends on Facebook, interacted a little and then before we all even knew she got married to the guy she was already engaged to and left for Dubai. Our relation till this point was very professional (ish) and we could hardly call each other friends - let alone sisters! - so it's safe to say that I wasn't invited.

Our friendship actually started on Facebook; we would share, post and talk on personal chat too. Somehow during this time she convinced to be a girly girl. She didn't say or try but you know it kind of happens with a few people; like they change you without them having to talk to you about it.

We grew close with each passing day. We weren't best friends but we sure as hell were friends and pretty good at being friends too. We weren't sharing any secrets because that asks for too much trust and to me, trust is earned with time. You can know somebody your whole lives and still not know them. I think I said this before too. Well, my sister on the side was getting close to her the same way but the only difference there was that I talked to her more than she did. All this while, we both were making plans to meet and go out as soon as Victoria came back. Although her secrets were hidden from us but so was the fact that she was suffering and there was no way we could help her.

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