I suddenly felt Jesy's lips on mine and I didnt hesitate to kiss her back it was magical I know how cornie that sounds but it was.

"I forgive you" she said before reconnecting our lips. The kiss started to get intense as I gentle pushed her back so she was laying on the sofa then I straddled her and reconnecting our lips.

"is your mum home" I said between kisses.

"no" with that I stood up and held out my hand for Jesy which she took as I led her upstairs to her bedroom. As soon as we entered the bedroom Jesy shut the door and pulled be back causing me to turn around then she crashed her lips against mine as she ripped off my jacket, within a matter of seconds we were both just in our underwear then Jesy picked me up and carried me to her bed and through me on the bed before straddeling me connecting our lips again.

"holy fuck" I panted as we lay next to each other naked

"I've always heard make up sex is the best and now I know why" Jesy said sitting up on her elbow.

"yano..my mums not going to be home for a while" she said giving me her most seductive smile.

"oh really, well we do have a lot of making up to do" I smiled biting my lip which caused Jesy to once again crash her lips to mine...round 2. The next few hours were incredible I cant believe i've gone a week without this, without Jesy.

"I've missed you so much" Jesy said as we lay cuddled in her bed after like our 5th round.

"I've missed you to" I said pecking Jesy's lips. Then I remembered something, I got up and found my jeans and pulled out the ring box from my pocket and then sat back next to Jesy, I handed her the box and she looked hurt.

"oh...guess you dont want it" she said sadly looking down at the box.

"of course I do" I smiled lifting her head to look at her.

"I just wanted you to put it on me thats why I havent got it on yet" with that she smiled and opened the box placing the ring on my finger.

"its so beautiful, thank you so much I love you so much" I smiled

"I love you to" Jesy smiled. We spent some time just laying in bed cuddling talking and watching tele, then before Jesy's mum was due home we got dressed and went downstairs and cuddled up on the sofa watching tele, it was perfect today is just going to be me and Jesy and I couldnt help but smile slightly to myself.


I woke up feeling something next to me and saw Perrie and I couldnt help but smile, the past week I've hardly slept because Perrie wasnt with melast night was the first night is a week that I've slept all night and man it felt so good. I proped myself up on my elbow and just stared at Perrie shes so beautful even with her mouth slightly open and slight snores coming out. I gently pulled her into me which made her swing her arm around me cuddling into me still asleep.

a few hours later....

"you sure she is going to want to see me" I asked panicked, we are at the hospital going to see Naya and I scared.

"yes now come on its going to be fine I promise" Perrie smiled grabbed my hand and leading me to Nayas room my heart beat increasing with every step. We walked in and Naya was cuddled up to Brittany in her bed watching tele, they look so cute together.

"JESY" Naya shouted sitting up scaring us all.

"come here" I did what she said I went to her and she pulled me into a massive hug and I hugged her back and couldnt help the smile appear on my face.

"how are you" she asked as I sat in the chair next to her bed.

"Erm I'm better now" I smiled looking at Perrie who smiled back at me, causing the butterflies to appear in the my stomach.

"good, took Perrie long enough God she can be stubborn when she wants to be" We both laughed. Shes's right, Perrie is which can be a good thing sometimes but other times its a pain in the ass.

"Look I'm so sorry for what I did I shouldnt have walked away I should have helped you"

"hey stop its fine I'm fine I can go home next week I'm still alive, I would have done what you did and I should be the one to say sorry for asking Perrie to kiss me"

"I'm glad your okay, and its okay I understand just dont do it again" I slightly laughed.

"dont worry I wont I only wanna kiss one person" she smiled before looking and Brittany and kiss her, I couldnt help smile.

"so we good" she asked"

"yes were good" I smiled. We stayed for a while just talking and laughing like nothing had happened, Brittany seems really nice and its so obvious that she likes Naya a lot and visa versa, I did tell Naya there was someone out there for her and I think Brittany is it.

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