Oh snap...

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I woke up.. In a room I didn't recognize.

looked around and saw a window to my right and a door in front of me leading to... I think it's a bathroom.

Then... That whole terrifying night came flooding back in my head.... oh my god... was i kidnapped!?... no! Niall was there!... wait why was Niall there!? and why was that 'Harry' guy trying to kill me!?!? I need answers!! But first I need to get up.

My head hurt FREAKSIHLY bad. But I needed to get up and figure out where the hell I am.

I gently rose up and swung my feet of the bed. I stood up and started walking towards the bathroom.

I went in and looked in the mirror. My hair was a big mess and I still had some of mud on my face. Wait what the hell!? These aren't my clothes!?.... I was in big baggy sweatpants and a T-shirt that said 'School sux'.

What the fuck!? Did they like.. Strip me out of my clothes and put me in these!? Whoever did this is gonna get there ass kicked by me....

I washed my face and combed my hair with my fingers.

I walked out of the bathroom and saw a hair tie on the floor. Perfect!

I went and bent down to pick it up and when I looked in front of me I saw a pair of white shoes.. I kept looking up and saw That they where attacked to legs that where in skinny jeans... I looked up and saw a person standing over me. But not just any person.. Harry! The one that tried to kill me!!

I quickly gasped and shot up. But I hit my head on a shelve above me and it knocked me out for about a second.

I fell forward and Harry caught me. I'm such a cluts!!

"Oh my god! Are you ok?" Harry said.

"Ughh... Yea I'm okkkk hey! Let me go! Get away from me!!!!"

"Hey! Don't be snippy I just helped you!"

"Ya and you also tried to kill me last night jackass!!"

Oh shit I probably shouldn't have said that.. Harry gave me a dirty look.

"You know, you really need to learn to keep your mouth shut! Bit-"


I spun around and saw Niall!! He had a super worried look on his face. I had billions of questions to ask him but at the moment I didn't care! I was just glad to see him.

"Niall!!!!" I said running at him and hugging him tightly.

"Hey are you alright?"

"Yea I'm fine... Just.. What is going on!? What happened last night!?"

"Well you see... Uh... That's kinda a long story..." He said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Well maybe you can tell me later! Right now I just need to get home!" I really wanted to know what happened but I bet my family is worried sick about me not coming home last night and they always come first in my life.

"Um...well...you can't really..uh... Leave.."

"What!?! Of course I can!"

"Um.. N-n-n-o you actually can't.." Wow Niall seemed really nervous..

But what the hell is he saying!? Of course I can go home it's my fucking decision!

"What the hell do you mean I-" out of no ware I was cut of by a boy stepping in from the door. He had brown swishey hair and tight red jeans on with a black and white stripped shirt and navy blue Toms.

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