"What are you doing here!" Jesse yelled at me and look behind me. She looks at Hadi up and down before smirking. I quickly step in front of him and glared at her. 

"Where is Karim?" I asked her. Her smirk grows and look over her shoulder where we heard footsteps coming toward the door.

"Baby who it is?" A voice come from some distance. The voice that I fell in love with. Suddenly his came out without a shirt and his smile fell when he saw me. His eyes shifted to behind me and glared at Hadi. Suddenly his face get pale and I know it is because of officers.

"Zaina? Are you alive? I thought you were dead. You don't know how much happy I am to see you." Karim came forward, but Hadi pulled me back to his side. 

"We are here to know about her parents." Hadi say calmly but I know how angry he is as he clenched his fist tightly. Karim looks him up and down before glaring at me with disgust. I surprised him by rolling my eyes at him.

"Who are you?" Karim asked, pushing Jess out of his way and stood in front of us. Hadi pushed me back and take a step forward

"You don't need to know about me. Tell me where her parents are?" Hadi demanded this time. I can tell he is trying not to lose his control.

"I don't have to tell you anything about them. If Zaina wants to know about them, then she has to come inside not you." Karim put his hand on the Hadi chest to stop him to get inside. This was it. Hadi finally broke and grabbed Karim by his neck and throw a punch right in his jaw. I stared in shocked as Hadi pushed him aside and grabbed my hand before walking inside of the house. The house which I used to call home. We heard footsteps following us and I know it was Karim, Jess and officers.

"What the hell are you doing!" Karim yelled, making Jess flinched while I stay unaffected because I already gone through this. Hadi drop my hand and walked toward Karim with a death glare. 

"Don't you dare to talk to me like that again. I am not here to hear anything from you, but only to know where her parents are." Hadi says now standing close to him. I would laugh at Karim if this wasn't serious. He face was pale and I could feel him nervous as his forehead get sweaty. Karim eyes shifted to me and I see the evil look on his face. He walked pass Hadi toward me. I quickly take a step back and look Hadi, who just smile reassuringly. I take a deep breath and face Karim again.

"Zaina, I am glad that you are back. You don't know how much I missed you. Please tell me you didn't send that notice. You didn't want divorce from me. Please tell me this all is lie and tell him to leave from here now that you are with me again." Karim says with a fake loving look and grabbed my hand. If it was in my past, I would fall in his trap but not now. I roughly take my hand back and raised it on its own and went across his face.

"Don't you dare to touch me. You are not glad or happy to see me here. You didn't miss me. If you do then you wouldn't be with her and wait until you see my dead body but no you didn't. You cheated on me, Karim. I had never cheated on you. You are a psycho a killer. You are the murdered of my baby. Our baby. I am here not to come back to you. I am here to know about my parents and Yes, I do want to divorce from you." I told him calmly and a surprised look took over his angry face. I look behind him and saw Hadi giving me an encouraging smile. Karim followed my gaze and glare at Hadi.

"Did he tell you to say all this because I know you weren't like this before you meet him. You used to be shy and quiet, but not anymore. You look bold and could stand for yourself, but you know what? You will be always a failure because you are a failure." Karimsays glaring at me. I don't know what to say because he is right. I am a failure. I failed in everything in my life. I failed to get the love of my parents, I failed to get the love of my husband, I failed to become a better wife, and I failed to protect my child. 

"Now you realise what you are and still I married you and make you my wife but no you had to cheat on me with your intern. You know what I feel thinking of you with him? You know how I feel when I think of you and him doing-"

"Shut up. Just shut up. Don't you dare to finish that. I didn't do anything. I didn't cheat on you, why don't you believe me? The only person I loved was you, but not anymore. My love for you died when you kill my baby. Now I don't care about how you are, where you are and whatever you do." I glared at Jess who was standing behind us eyeing the officers when I say last line."I don't want to waste my time talking to you. I just want to know about my parents that is it." 

"Why you want to know about them now? You know they didn't even want to see your face. Your little brother and sister didn't know who you are. They said they had only a son and a daughter. They didn't know any Zaina in their life." Karim smirked when my eyes watered to hear him. I control myself from crying in front of him.

"You are lying. My parents would never say anything like that. Ariz and Fariha would never forget who I am. Just tell me where are they and then we will see who is right." I say. He shakes his head and walk inside. After a few minutes he come back with a piece of paper and handed it to me. 

"We will see who is right, but remember one thing I am not going to leave you this easily. If you think that by divorce you will get rid of me than you are wrong. I won't let you go until the day you died and I am going to kill you."

"Tsk Tsk Tsk. You know you just threaten her in front of police officers? You think that after saying all this you would be able to get away easily? I will make sure that you would go in prisoner and your punishment would be hanged to death." Hadi says smiling sweetly before looking at me. I nodded and glare at a Karim last time before walking out of his house, but stop and turned around with a smile on my face.

"See you tomorrow in court and please do bring your w*ore with you." I smirked when he clenched his hand into a fist. I held my head up because I didn't do anything to look down in shame. From tomorrow the fight is on. The fight of justice. For everything I had gone through. For my baby.

'Be ready to pay for everything you had done Karim.'

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