Episode 22: Lycan (Part II)

Start from the beginning

            “So he would bite the victim, thus transmitting his own DNA to the victim.  This would cause a reaction that would mutate the victim’s DNA, thus enabling a transformation into a similar organism when the right stimulus was present,” Dr. Grales theorized.

            “Precisely, although I do not like the idea of the person being bitten being considered a victim.  Fenrir could also retrieve DNA from an individual and transmitted it to another one.  He was created to acquire Mr. Rodgers’ DNA, but he failed in that regard,” Dr. Wagner stated.

            “Mr. Rodgers?” Dr. Grales asked.

            “Cideion Rodgers, my first ‘accident’.  I created his abilities as well, and now he parades them around town as some kind of superhero,” Wagner declared.

            “Cid is Iblis,” Dr. Grales stated.


            “If Cid is Iblis, then the technology that he’s using is coming from NoirTech,” Dr. Grales stated.

            “NoirTech?” Dr. Wagner asked amusedly.

            “King must be providing him with the technology that he’s using,” Dr. Grales stated.

            “Ahhh, so Mr. Monroe is involved as well,”

            “King is probably the brains behind the entire thing.  What does all of this mean?”

            “It means that we’re going to kill him,” Dr. Wagner explained.

            “Cid?” Dr. Grales asked.

            “No… Mr. Monroe.  And you are going to do it,” Dr. Wagner explained.

            “Why would I kill my own boss?” Dr. Grales asked.

            “He was going to dissect you like a lab rat after you died.  Killing him will get me Mr. Rodgers.  I need young Cideion for my future experiments,” Dr. Wagner explained.

            “That’s not enough to make me kill King.  You are crazy and I am leaving,” Dr. Grales announced, turning to leave.

            “If you walk away from this, you’ll be dead in four days,” Dr. Wagner declared.

            “What do you mean?” Dr. Grales asked, stopping in his tracks.

            “The mutation is destroying your cells.  Without treatment you will die in four days, and that’s a generous estimate,” Dr. Wagner stated.

            “You’re lying,” Dr. Grales stated.

            “And if I’m not?” Dr. Wagner asked.  “If I am, do you want to spend the rest of your life as a wolf-man?  Without me, you will ultimately rot.  Help me and I will help you.”

            Dr. Grales’ shoulders dropped in defeat.  “What do you want me to do?”

            A horrible smile stretched across Dr. Wagner’s face.  “It is simple.  You create chaos.”

            “I am Maruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuupial MAAHHNNNN!!!  Now give me all your moneyz!” A man shouted as he entered a bank dressed like a kangaroo and brandishing an obviously fake gun.

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