Chapter 2.2 - Living the Dream

Start from the beginning

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It was a weird feeling, staring out from under a desk at a strange pair of legs, complete with over-shined shoes, that had randomly stepped into his father's office.

Sam gave up on pushing the file box as far as the space under the desk allowed - he'd actually jabbed his knee pretty hard against it - and backed out. Just as his head was about to clear the bottom of the desk surface, he stopped.

The legs had started moving; not fidgeting, not hesitant, but with the purpose of legs that had been there before. Which sort of explained why this man was so comfortable in an empty office that didn't belong to him.

Sam got on his knees and propped his elbows on the desk. Nope, no one he knew. "May I help you?"

The man flinched and turned from staring at one of the file cabinets. His hazel eyes lightened and his moustache lifted with his smile, as if teens normally popped out from under desks all around him and he found it highly entertaining.

"You must be Sam."

With the conviction in the man's voice and his emphasis on the must, Sam would've probably become Sam even if he wasn't already. And he was obviously who the man wanted to see.

"Um, I must be. And you are...?" ...doing what exactly in my father's office if you want to see me? God knew he avoided the office if he could help it. He was just terrible at helping it.

"Harris-" and he ended his name so abruptly, it must've been a well-rehearsed way for people to remember it. "Professor Harris." He dropped his briefcase on Freider's desk and reached his hand out for a shake.

Sam got to his feet and took his hand. A professor? What could he be doing there? Well, there was the obvious answer and Sam wanted to get it out of the way as quickly and as delicately as possible. "Is your wife cheating on you? Coz even if I'm here and my father would love it, I don't do PI work yet." Yeah, really smooth, Sam. He should definitely be spending his life among inanimate objects.

The professor stared at him for a few seconds then cleared his throat, his fist in front of his mouth to hide the beginning of a smile. "No, that's hardly why I'm here. I wanted to see you in a more... wholesome, family-friendly matter."

"Yes, of course," Sam answered, taking the most dignified air he could muster after just having shoved his foot down his throat. "So, what can I do for you, Professor?"

"I'm not sure if you are familiar with recent current affairs, but I am working on a project to bring-"

"You're the professor mentioned in the paper!" And thank God he hadn't pointed an accusing finger as he said it.

"Why, yes, I am," Professor Harris said, seeming pleased with the recognition. "And that being said, I'm sure you can guess why I'm here."

Sam could guess alright, but he didn't dare hope his guess was right. "In the paper, it said that a team has already been chosen."

"Chosen, yes. Confirmed, no. And Sam, you happen to be on the list."

Excitement bubbled in the pit of Sam's stomach, fizzled then died as his brain took over. "Why?" And "how" was next on his list of questions. Not that he wasn't thrilled to bits and on the verge of a happy-dance, but really wanting it didn't change the fact that he'd never applied.

Professor Harris frowned. "Why what?"

"Why am I on your list? I never applied for anything, handed in no essays even remotely related to archeology-"

"Don't you want to go?"

Hell yes! "That's beside the point."

The professor sighed as though he'd hoped he wouldn't have to get into this. "We've asked around and came across your paper on the use of mathematics in the cryptography process."

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