Backstory part 5: talent show

Start from the beginning

I put my stuff down and looked over at the band.

Lucas saw me and smiled. He walked over to me.

"I thought you didn't get in," he said looking curious.

Great. I have to explain this again.

"I thought I didn't get in, too. During class Mr. C. Told me to come to practice because he wanted to hear my song again.

"That's good. You'll do amazing. I've heard you practice it before at the music place."

"Thank You, Lucas but it's just a song."

"But I feel bad that you didn't get in."

"Thanks, but no one else seems to think so," I frowned.

"Well good luck. he smiled.

"Ok Thanks." I say with just a little hope.

"Hey Lucas get over here," said Mr. C. "I need you to go over your music.

I felt happy that Lucas cared even just a little. He barely even notices me. But I sill wasn't confident because he was the only one that had at a little hope for me.

I was the only one in the class that talked to Lucas, because he was my sisters friend. Well, besides Jake. Jake talked to Lucas all the time for some reason.

"Maya I want to hear your song before we start." He said.

I could feel the nervousness in the pit of my stomach.

I walked over to the keyboard and sat on the stool.

I knew what would happen next because I've been in the talent show every year, and even though this was just a practice, it happened every time.

Mr. C. had to go get the microphone and he would take about 10 minutes setting it up while I sat there.

I was the only one that sang and played the piano at the same time so it was only ever my problem.

After about ten minutes, he was ready.

I looked over at Lucas and he smiled.

Once again, I think about this stupid crush knowing that he would NEVER like me back. I'm definitely too young for him. I'm to young to even like him.

And then it hit me. That's what the song is missing. As I said before, I was singing "Too Young". It was missing a story. I needed a story behind the song and this fit perfectly. The words went perfect with the situation.

I put my hand on the keys and started playing. I closed my eyes to think about my story behind the song.

"Big lights. People. Rush mg to grow up before you know.
Stop signs. Denied. Everyone tells me I gotta go slow.
And it's gonna hurt sometimes. No matter what you do.
But nothing can change my mind,"

I didn't think about the people around me. I didn't think about how Missy was probably thinking about how I should be there because she thinks I'm a bad singer. I just sang from my heart and focused on the one thing that the song was missing during the audition. Lucas. He was the story behind it.

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