[Duke Devlin]

607 18 1

Request for sparkel224!

Staring down at the ground, you mumbled incoherent words. You then pulled your scarf up just enough to cover your mouth, since it was freezing cold outside. Although your blood was boiling, it just couldn't exactly rival the wintry weather. Why's your blood boiling? You've been kicked out of a store because a guy decided to mess with you. You've been known to have a bad temper-- and it's hard to get on your good side since you get angry at the smallest of things. People sent you glances at your somewhat scary behavior. As the people did so, you would stop mumbling and shoot them deadly, deadly glares. Which, of course, caused them to run off. And damn; if looks could kill, they'd be dead already. Sighing to yourself, you fixed your coat. As much as being one of the most feared people in the city was great, you kind of wanted to have a group of friends you could talk to-- just so you'd feel apart of the normal people.

While you were thinking about your life, someone shoved into you. This made your face turn red; not in the cute, blushy way. No-- your face was red in anger. You slowly turned around, only to be shoved by more people from behind. Yeah. You were ready to choke a bitch. When you glanced up, you saw a group of girls crowding around something. Walking up to the group, you pushed the girls out of the way to look at what was so special that they had to shove you out of the way for. Your eyes landed on a male, he was a little taller than you. He had green eyes, and had a ponytail.

You weren't impressed.

Scoffing, you turned around to see the girls getting up and sending you glares. Clearly, these people didn't know who you were. Hair shadowing your eyes a little, you glowered down at them and clenched your fists. One of them stood up, and she was ready to swing. When she did, you held your cheek in semi-pain. Then, you pushed her down and repeatedly stomped (gently, you're gonna kill her hahaha) on her legs. The other few looked at you in complete horror, before running away. Luckily, they didn't break, or else you would've gotten in serious trouble.

The guy looked at you in amusement before tapping your shoulder. Quickly, you turned around and sent him a scowl. He began to sweat at your scary look, but smiled nonetheless. "I'm Duke." He started. Before he could say more, you began to laugh hysterically. "Duke?!!!! You're joking. Wait, are you a male?" Astonished, he raised a brow. "I'm a male." Setting a hand on his shoulder, you continued laughing. "Oh I feel so sorry for you ahahahaha--" Duke was amused-- no girl had ever spoken to him like this. He'd actually like to get to know you better, seeing you'd be an interesting addition to his life. He was going to speak, before you cut him off again. "I'm (Y/N)." You held out a hand. (wtf am i doing) He shook it and sent you a confident smirk.
As you walked away, he stared after you.

"Nice buns." 🎉

(A/N): oooooppppsss hahahahaha lmao what trash

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