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You wiped the sweat from your forehead. Exhausted, you helped your friend up and also helped him walk because he was severely damaged from the constant hits he took. "You see, this is what I didn't want to happen when I took you along on my adventure. " You sighed. "I'm sorry, (N/N)... I didn't think they'd be so strong." Hart was limping as he walked and bruises were scattered across his arms and legs. You took off your backpack, taking out some supplies you had taken on your journey since you both were definitely going to get hurt. Tending to his wounds, you tried to be as gentle as possible, Hart hissing in pain once in awhile. Though, he stopped because he thought about what led him into this situation.

[Flashback time.]

"No, no, no! You can't go, it's too dangerous!" Kite yelled, anger radiating off of his being. You piped in, "Yeah, Hart, for once I agree with Kite. You could get seriously hurt if you come with me and neither of us want to see that, so please stay here?" You played with your backpack straps, waiting for Hart to reply. He did, shortly after. "No, I want to go, so I can protect (N/N)! She can't do this all alone, this is a big journey! What if something really bad happens to her and no one will take her to a hospital or anything?" Kite pinched the bridge of his nose out of stress. "I'll think about it. Just give me some time to think this through."

[Time Skip!]

Hart walked into his brother's room, of course to ask him if he's made his decision yet. "Oh, Hart. I made my decision. You can't go." Hart's face turned pale(r) from shock. "I'm sorry but I can't risk losing you. Just stay. It'll be easier for the both of us, and for (Y/N) too."

Hart left the room with only negative emotions. Later on, when Kite left, Hart gathered a ton of items he was going to take along on his journey with you, such as food, water, medical supplies, and sweets. He snuck out of the house and ran along to yours, seeing as you were just about to leave. "Oh, Hart, what are you doing here?" You asked, and noticed the backpack he had. "...and with a backpack? Don't tell me Kite said yes, he knows it's too risky!" "He.. he said he had faith in me... and, um, let me go with you." Hart said, averting his gaze. "Are... are you... nevermind, I trust Kite's intentions, so let's go, I guess." And thus began your journey. The main reason for this journey was...

[End flashback]

"...to learn from our painful experiences anyway, so please try not to get as hurt so bad.Now you'll know never to do it again." You ended your dialogue, finishing the bandages on his legs. Hart looked down before muttering a thank you, making you smile and get up. You glanced at the gadget attached to your wrist. "I've been meaning to ask, (N/N)... what is that on your wrist?" Hart asked. "Oh, uh, it's just a watch... a very advanced-looking watch." You switched the screen so it'd show the time and he let out an 'oh' in response. In reality, Kite gave it to you beforehand because he had a feeling Hart was going to go with you anyway despite his answer to Hart's questions about wanting to tag along with you. You glanced up at the sky and noticed that it was beginning to become very dark. You both decided it'd be a good idea to find a cave or some kind of shelter to rest in. While you looked around for one, you collected wood so you could make a fire. Hart found a nice looking cave that wasn't too deep and didn't have any animals that would snack on you. Putting your bat in your backpack, you made the fire in front of the cave so animals would be too scared to come in. After eating, you both fell into a deep sleep.

[A very long timeskip later....]

The journey you both had was quite memorable. It's been a few years since you went on that adventure and you hadn't talked to Hart in a long while. Opening the door to your closet, you grabbed the yellowish, worn-out backpack you used and began to dig through it. You hadn't even lived half as long as adults have and you've already accomplished so much. You have plenty of memories in your backpack, like your favorite cap and sneakers. You pulled out the shorts you had and dug into the pockets, pulling out a [favorite small item]. Some things you found in the backpack were so sad they made you shed a few tears, like a rotten bottle of milk (that almost destroyed your nose) and a worn-out badge that was given to you by Hart. When he first gave it to you, it gave you newfound confidence in yourself. Confidence in everything you did, it was an amazing feeling. Tears managed to slip out but you kept a smile on your face.

A loud knock interrupted you from your moment and you got up to answer it. When you opened the door, you came face to face with Hart himself. After so many years, you finally saw him again. He greeted you with a smile and walked in , getting comfortable on your couch, wanting the both of you to catch up on each other again. You sat next to him, and you both chattered on and on about your current lives. Every time he smiled, it made you smile. It was the same, almost determined, smile he had during your adventure. You definitely did grow to love that smile and maybe, without even knowing it, you've grown to love him, too. He made you stronger by just being him. The two who shared smiles and tears one after the other are now... reunited.


(A/N): and not apart. song is smiles and tears. woo-wah.

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