Chapter 6

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(@Banana_Skylox as le writer)

Adam woke up slowly on a warm and soft surface, he rubbed his eyes and stretched in Ty's palm. When he opened his eyes, he saw Ty and Bodil staring at him patiently with unreadable expressions. Adam blinked a few times curiously, then Ty spoke sternly.

"Adam...Martin and I have been discussing a few things concerning your safety." Adam looked perplexed at what they were talking about, as far as he knew he was perfectly safe! Martin noticed his mystified state and spoke up.

"Think about how easy it was for us to catch you." He began in his thick accent, "You didn't recognize me, until I laughed of course." He finished, Ty picking up on where the Bulgarian left off.

"If Martin hadn't known me, he would've eaten you, and if he hadn't thought about handing you over to me, the same thing would happen..." Adam nodded in realization. "...It probably would've been too late by the time I'd have woken up..."

Adam looked intimidated, Ty noticed this and spoke up again. "T-That's why we are going to...well-"

Teach you how to be a borrower!" Martin butted in. "From my own experience with borrowers!" Adam nodded, thankful that he had such caring friends.

"He hasn't eaten yet, I have." Ty continued, pointing to Bodil. "So if things get a little too crazy, I'll stop it." He finished.

Adam looked a bit hesitant, but agreed anyways. Ty lectured him about things like, 'If you feel an instinct don't ignore it' 'Run as fast as you can' 'Use your wits' and other things like that. Then he brought Adam into the living room with Bodil already there, looking impatient.

"You have to have my scent to make it more effective." Bodil pointed out to Adam, carefully picking him up out of Ty's palm and holding him to his chest, purring happily.

Adam felt strange, he didn't feel the same protection and love he felt for Ty when Bodil held him. After a few minutes Bodil pulled the borrower away from him and set him on the ground.

 "Remember what I told you, and you can always drop out for a break when you need it." Ty reminded.

"O-Okay..." Adam trailed off as his much larger friend dimmed down the lights, causing the tiny borrower to feel his instincts already.

Ty murmured something to Bodil that he couldn't make out, it being only quiet enough for predators to hear.

He could tell that Ty was fighting the urge to not be involved in this impersonated hunt, Bodil on the other hand looked like a dog on a leash, wanting desperately, yet patiently, to be let off.

Ty slid into a shadowy side of the dark room, and mumbled "Start." His eyes glowing unblinkingly from the darkness.

Adam's heart rushed as he heard a muffled growl from Bodil's stomach. Remembering what Ty said, he dashed off immediately earning narrowed eyes from Bodil, as his instinct was set off a few seconds after Adam's did. He didn't feel tired, all he felt was adrenaline. He focused on a spot in the corner, opposite from Ty's watching area, and ducked under a chair. His hunter scrabbled to a stop and glanced under the chair in a crazed state. Adam saw this opportunity and ran ahead to the other piece of furniture. He looked at Bodil, who was still near the chair, confused at where he had gone.

Next he looked at Ty, his expression barely visible, but a smile was clearly plastered to his face.

Adam smiled in return, remembering not to get distracted and saw Bodil start to sniff the air. Adam took off once he spotted his direction and began to follow it, ducking behind another piece of furniture then trying out the same technique. Bodil seemed to expect it, and scented Adam's fear scent turning left, he smirked and swiped him up.

Adam struggled desperately as his captor opened his mouth.

 "W-Wait! Martin! N-No!" He begged. Before he could let out more pleas, Ty bolted into Bodil's side and knocked the instinct-driven predator over.

Adam fell out of his grip, and landed on the floor feet first, not feeling a thing since borrowers can fall from a height without getting hurt. Ty patted Bodil on the back as he quickly recovered from the impact.

"That was good!" He praised looking at Adam, "Just try out something else after you already did that, okay?" Adam nodded, then looked over at Bodil.

"Y-...You okay...?" He asked hesitantly.

 "Uhrm...Yeah, sorry." The Bulgarian apologized. Adam nodded and calmed himself down.

 "Lets do that again, with me this time." Ty suggested, taking Bodil's place and getting ready to try and catch Adam.

"He's never had a borrower, you're screwed." Bodil laughed, causing Ty to growl in response. "Are you even hungry? Will this be affective at all?"

"A bit." Ty murmured impatiently. Adam noticed a small glint of blood-thirst in his gaze, earning a pang of instinct burst inside him. Ty licked his lips and tried to make himself work up an appetite, then stretched a bit and asked his friend solemnly, "Ready?" Adam nodded in response and tensed, getting into a position allowing him to dash away at any second he desired to.

"Go ahead then." Bodil muttered carelessly. Ty almost complained to him to take this more seriously, when Adam bolted away to the corner, purposely trapping himself. The corners of Ty's lips turned to form a twisted smirk, seeing that he basically had Adam in his grip already.

But Adam was smarter than that, he dodged Ty's swipe and ran through between his legs. Ty gasped in surprise, at first Adam thought that it was because of his escape, then he stopped abruptly as a foot stomped right in front of him.

"MARTIN, STOP!" Ty screamed as Adam looked up at Bodil. Before Ty could ram into the other predator, Bodil snatched him up and quickly shoved him in his mouth.

Adam panicked, then gathered all his strength to push his friend's maw open and jump out, landing on the floor and running away. He didn't want to go anywhere near either predators right after that happened.

Ty growled furiously and pushed Bodil to the ground.

 "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!?" Ty screeched. Bodil looked at him with a serious stare.

 "That I had to eat." He responded softly. Ty got up off him and let him stand up, he knew that he couldn't control his instincts.

He then remembered Adam and swiftly turned his head towards his direction, Adam shrank back and proceeded to shake saliva off of him.

"Oh-Oh no..." Bodil sighed. Adam looked at them warily. He wasn't mad or scared or anything, he just didn't really want to see them at the moment due to shock and pride.

Ty walked over to him, worry clearly present in his gaze.

"One moment please." Adam stopped him, making Ty grunt in disappointment.

"That was plain out amazing." Bodil commented.

"That was a real situation." Ty pointed out. Adam nodded, feeling more confident already. Ty scooped the borrower up carefully and cuddled him to his chest, blurring all of Adam's mixed emotions and replacing them with friend-love.

He almost fell asleep when he heard Bodil's stomach growl again.

 "Go get something to eat." Ty offered. Bodil nodded thanks and walked over to the kitchen.

When he was gone Adam closed his eyes and fell asleep in Ty's arms, the predator then carried his slumbering friend to the bed and fell asleep.

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