"This is why I didn't want to tell him until I knew for sure. Now that I do know, I'm scared to death for him to be out on the street. He's going to be focusing on me and the kids and not himself. If I lose him Erin, I'm not going to make it. I need him to get me through this because I can't do it by myself."

Tears threatened, so Eddie took a deep breath to stave them off. Erin held her hand tight, "It's okay Eddie. It's okay to be scared. But even if you didn't have Jamie, you have us. You're my sister same as he's my brother in my book. Nikki isn't going back to work for a year, she can help. Sean is a medical student, he can help. We can all help."

Eddie swallowed and nodded, "Still, he's my husband."

Erin felt a pang of envy for Eddie and Jamie. She never had that connection with Jack or any man in her life. Where their very presence soothed fear, relieved pain, and made the day brighter.

"I know he is, and he will get you through. He might be freaking out now but he'll come through. Remember when Lila was born..."

Four Years Earlier

Coastal Long Island


"It's really blowing hard!" Nikki exclaimed as they watched the hurricane out the window.

"I know, Nik but it'll stop before it's time to leave tomorrow," Frank assured her. "The best thing you can do is stay here and wait it out with the rest of us. Your professor is probably stuck too."

Nikki settled down to study then play cards with Sean and Jack. They had taken the trip to help them get passed Henry's sudden death three weeks ago.

Jamie had been fishing with his dad and Danny when the storm hit. They hurried back a soon as they saw the raindrops. Eddie was eight months pregnant and Jamie had reservations about even coming on the trip. Still their son Joey had been late so he allowed himself to be talked into it.

Now she sat on the couch with Erin talking about names since the power had gone out a few hours before. Jamie brought her a cup of water to drink, it was hot and she needed to be hydrated.

"Your ankles are so swollen, babe," he observed getting two pillows to prop them up.

"It's your fault, I'm retaining so much water my butt is shifting with the tides out there," Eddie griped then sat up straight. "Oh..."

That got Erin's attention, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, this kid just kicked me in the ribs. I thought Joey was violent. Help me up, Jamie. I have to pee again."

Jamie helped her up and she waddled to the bathroom. He was watching her like a hawk. "You okay, Jamie?" Erin asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. She was up all night tossing and turning. I just have this feeling something's not right. She's having a lot of pain and way more swelling than she did with Joey."

"Every pregnancy..."

"Is different, I know. I just have this feeling."

He no more than finished the sentence when he heard Eddie, "Linda! Linda!"

Linda hurried to the bathroom from where she'd been reading a book by camp light, Jamie hot on her heels. "What's the matter?"

"My water broke but something doesn't look right!" There was blood in the amniotic fluid.

"That's okay that happens sometimes...how long have you been having contractions?" Linda asked.

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