Be My Fairytale

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  • Dedicated to My friends <3

For once we were actually having a girly conversation. It was kind of weird. Lil was always complaining that I wasn't girly enough. I disagreed, we had spent the last hour sitting on the floor of her room discussing dresses. If that's not girly I don't know what is.

Lily had a gorgeous room. The walls were painted lavender, with a string of posters in a band around the middle. She had a double bed. It was hidden under a large pile of cushions and teddies. Beside the bed was a large desk, covered in old school books and magazines. The floor was covered in a woolly pink carpet. It was one of my favourite places to hang out.

We had the magazine Kiss open on the floor between us and were picking out our favourite dresses on each page when suddenly Lil jumped up, almost knocking over her giant chocolate smoothie. I caught it before it could spill and glared at her. She was oblivious to my glare, as she was busy squealing and flapping her hands like a large bird.

"Ooohh I've got a brilliant idea!" she screamed.

I sipped my milkshake and asked,

"What? What could possibly be better than looking at dresses with me?".

"Describing the perfect boy" she said raising one eyebrow. I forever envied her that talent.

"Ooh you're right that is better," I sat up straight and crossed my legs "You go first".

"Ok. Tall, brown hair, blue eyes, nice, funny, and really musical. Your turn" she said as if she was listing off her shopping list. I laughed at her airy description of a perfect boyfriend.

"Oh your guy sounds good. Alrighty, tall, messy brown hair, brown eyes, " I trailed off as Lil's older brothers walked into the room, they were twins.

They were tall and skinny and had long ginger hair, that fell into their eyes. Daniel and Darragh sat down on the end of the bed and looked down at us.

"So, what're you girls talking about?" Darragh asked.

"Oh just the usual girly stuff. Bras, boys" Lil trailed off.

"Make-up, periods" I finished.

They looked to each other awkwardly. Me and Lily then looked at each other and burst out laughing. The twins glared at us.

"That" said Darragh.

"Was mean" Daniel finished.

We just giggled.

"So why did you come in here and ruin our chat?" I asked.

"Well, we just thought we heard you talking about . . ."

They looked at each other and whispered, dramatically "BOYS!"

"Oh Darragh, You know you're the only one for me" I said sighing and fluttering my eyelashes.

They all three gaped at me and I burst out laughing. I slapped my knee, a habit I have when I'm laughing.

"You guys are so easy to trick" I cried while laughing at their faces.

Lily raised a single eyebrow, giving me a look that I knew was meant to say 'Not cool'. I giggled and looked up at Darragh and Daniel, who were wearing the exact same scowl. I burst, not able to control it anymore. I fell onto my back, laughing at the sight of the three of them, wearing identical expressions.

"Right" Darragh said, lengthening the i.

"We're just gonna go now" Daniel continued, sounding slightly worried at the sight of my laughing fit. They turned and backed out of the room slowly, keeping eye contact the whole time.

"Well that was weird".

"I'm sorta used to it at your house" I replied, beginning to flick through KISS again.

"No I mean when you said 'Oh Darragh you're the only one for me' he sorta blushed. Didn't he?".

"Oh My God! Stop it. You know he didn't and please stop trying to set me up with people. I am absolutely fine being a fifteen year old fridgette" I said turning back to the magazine, still frowning.

Lily rolled her eyes and muttered something that sounded like "You shouldn't be". I glared at her but she was looking intently at the magazine and sipping her smoothie nonchalantly.

"Oh, you never finished describing your perfect guy. Go"

"Ok. So, tall, messy brown hair, brown eyes, cute, kind, good sense of humour and jealous but not too jealous" I finished and looked up at Lil. She just looked at me like I was crazy.

"What?" I asked self-consciously, thinking I was getting too picky for a girl who's never been kissed.

"You do realise you just described Darragh, right?"

"No I did not!".

"Did too. He's tall, kind, has a good sense of humour and would be jealous but not too jealous" .

"You missed brown hair, brown eyes and cute" I pointed out.

"I can't call my own brother cute" she said as if it was a swear word.

I laughed and motioned back to the magazine, it distracted her. The subject of Darragh didn't come up again that night but that might be because I would randomly need to pee if she said his name.

I was staying over at Lil's house and we ordered pizza. When the pizza got there we sat down in the sitting room to watch Music and Lyrics. The cheesiest Rom-Com ever. As cheesy as the pizza. When the menu came on screen Lil, Darragh, Daniel and their mum all groaned simultaneously. I had picked it and they didn't know what it was.

"What?" I asked, fearing I had picked something they had seen before.

"It's got Hugh Grant in it" Lil whined.

"Oh yeah. That's bad but, it's also got Drew Barrymore" I said trying to think of something so good it would cancel out the whole Hugh Grant bit, knowing they all hated Hugh Grant. They just whined some more.

"Oh suck it up soldiers" I yelled. And with that I pressed play.

We trudged upstairs at a quarter to midnight barely able to move from all the pizza, 

"You have terrible taste in movies" Darragh muttered, getting up to go to bed.

"True story" Daniel said, following him up.

 I sighed and followed Lily up the stairs. She fell over a few times and I didn't even have the energy to laugh at her. I beat her to her room, due to the fact that she fell over twice more on the landing.

"I told you to tie your laces" I called back at her, going into her room and collapsing on her bed.

"Move over I sleep here'" she groaned, collapsing on the bed next to me.

 I shoved her, too tired to move. She shoved me back, nearly pushing me over the edge. I grabbed onto her shoulder to pull myself up, just pushing her over again when I was back on the bed. She held onto the covers and gave an almighty push. With nothing to hold onto, I fell off the edge and hit the ground. Hard. I shrieked and she just laughed. I groaned.

The door burst open and Lily's mum,Jen followed by the Twins came rushing into the room. They saw me lying on the floor and just shook their heads, too tired to care,  and left. I crawled to the safety of my sleeping bag and got into my PJ's.

"This means war!" I whispered at Lily.



This is a new story and I would really appreciate if you would comment. And please don't just leave a comment saying it was great and nothing else. I want something to work from. Hope you liked it, tell me what you liked and what you didn't,


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