Chapter 41: Everything I Want

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"It's hard to wish them to break up when her boyfriend is my bandmate," I add.

"Ooh, ouch. Well, in my opinion, it's fate for you two to be together, so keep your hopes up. Nothing that special can ever go unnoticed," Justin advises.

"Thanks," I reply with a smile.

"No problem. It seemed like you needed a little encouragement anyways," he shrugs. He backs away from me and gets into his battle position. "You ready?"

Lingering my eyes on Monica for just one more minute, I tear them away and focus on Justin. "Let's go."

Monica's P.O.V.

The phone lines and towers have been fixed so we're finally able to get cell reception, which is why on Sunday afternoon, I decide to call all of the boys over to hang, since I haven't seen Calum and Luke in a while and I'd like to know how they're doing. I also haven't spoken to Ashton since Michael and I dropped him off at his house right after the mission. In the chat, I let them know to meet at Michael's house and not long after I send the message, I find myself in his house already.

About an hour later, everyone is here and we're chilling on the couches like normal, in our usual spots, too. I'm cuddling with Ashton on the corner of one couch while Michael sits at the other end of this one and Luke and Calum occupy the second couch. Not sure how this became our usual spots but I'm not complaining.

"So how is everyone? I think the storm affected all of us in some way, right?" Ashton questions.

"Not really for me," Calum answers first. "My family is fine and my house is alright, which is surprising. There is one huge crack down the block from my house and I was expecting something bad to happen to us, but we're okay."

"Phew, that's good," I express. Calum smiles at me and I return it. "Galaxies have special spells they can put over their house to protect it from things like that, so my family and house is fine, and obviously Michael's is, too."

"Wish you could have done that on mine," Luke says quietly. Our heads turn to look at him and he's glancing to the floor. He's silent for a moment until he takes a deep breath. "Half of my house is gone. I don't even know how it happened but it's gone. My family is okay but we're living with my aunt right now and I don't know what's going to happen next."

Oh, my God.

I look at Ashton and his expression is the same as mine. Untangling myself and sitting up, I approach Luke and embrace him. Not long after, Calum joins us, then Michael, and finally Ashton, giving Luke the much needed love and comfort right now in one big group hug. I can't imagine losing half of my house and being forced to live with a relative for the time being.

"That beats mine," Ashton replies when we break. He relaxes back on the couch and continues, "My grandma is severely injured and she's in the hospital right now."

"Woah, what?" Michael expresses and I settle into Ashton's arms again.

Ashton inhales and then informs, "Her house was also destroyed. Not completely, but enough for the structure to become weak and crash down. Basically, her house caved in on her and she nearly died."

Nudging my arm in-between him and the couch, I wrap the other one around his waist and hug him, my head resting on his chest.

"She's okay though, right?" Luke asks.

"Yeah. Like I said, she's in the hospital," Ashton answers.

"That's good. But just so you know, it's not a competition, Ash," Calum speaks.

Zap! (M. Clifford/5SOS)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora