Practice makes perfect

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  The wood is still.

The scenery around me blurred.

I aim.

The maggot infested wood swinging in the distance.

I have to make this shot.

"Come on Princess!" Merle yells.

I lose concentration and turn to my brother.

He looks at me full of fury.

"I have seen children shoot and hit faster than this!" He growls.

I sigh getting back to the task at hand.

I hold up my bow and aim at the swinging bark in the distance.

"You make me ashamed!" Merle yells.

I scoff keeping my focous.

"Lil' princess, need to go lullabies" Merle taunts and I just ignore him.

"Puff Darylena has a better shot than this 'nd he is as much a pussy as you...oit whata bout that asshole Officer friendly, I knows yer likes 'im he is a worthless piece of trash but then again yer just a pretty lil' princess can't do anythang but look good!" Merle taunts.

The arrow flies hitting bang on target.

I step away and turn to my brother who is sitting there holding a smug smile on his face like he was the one that made the shot.

"See knew ya could do it" Merle grins.

Ma brother was always a sadistic bastard, makes me wonder sometimes why I love him I mean he never really had our backs, me and Daryl, we did it all on our own when he left fer the army, he left us with him, our father, well can you really call him yer daddy if he beats ya all the time making ya feel worthless inside.

I walk away from my brother in search for Jaz.

I know I won't find Beth anytime soon as she has seemed to have hooked up with that Charlie fella, I don't mind of course as long as he treats her good.

I know where I will find Jaz....

I look inside the food hall to see her with three boys.

"Hey laddies" I chuckle as the youngest makes a face at Jaz.

Jaz looks up and smiles.

She found her brothers here, Alfie who is five and a total cutie, Jaxon who is eight and TJ who is fourteen.

I grab some food as I make my way over to sit at their table.

There is a couple of "hey Rose" on my way over which I politely return.

I sit next to my best friend as she eats the food our old group is probably without.

"Hey hun" I say as I dig in to the heavenly food.

"Hey" She replies digging into her own.

"Where's Beth?" She asks.

"With Charlie probably" I mutter.

"As always" Jaz mutters.

"Jaz we are going to junior weapon practise" TJ tells her as the boys walk away.

"What are we gonna do bout it?" Jaz asks.

"Bout what?" I ask.

"Beth and Charlie" Jaz states.

"Nothang, they are happy." I reply.

"He is one of the governor's henchman" Jaz explains.

" 'nd ma brother's the other one" I state.

"He is shifty Rose" Jaz pleads.

"Who?" I ask pulling a cigarette and lighting it, I haven't smoked since this all began and I missed the pleasure I got from it as the nicotine intoxicated me.

"The governor" Jaz replies.

I look at her dumbfounded after everything Philip has done for us, the food, the comfort reuniting us with our loved ones.

"We need to get out o' here and bring ma brothers and Merle if he wants to come along" Jaz pleads.

"What about Beth?" I ask.

"She won't leave 'im and 'e won't let 'er go" Jaz mutters.

"Come to ma room at seven tonite and we'll talk" I whisper as more of Philips loyal men walk past us.

I get up and leave in search fer ma brother, stubbing my cigarette out on the floor as I walk.

My brother wasn't that hard to find.

He was sitting on his own in his room.

"Merle?" I asked stepping inside.

"Rose" He says twisting round with that sly smile.

I sit next to him on his bed.

"Merle are you ok?" I ask and he pushes the white packet away from me.

I grab it and pick it up.

"Meth seriously...I thought you stopped" I sigh.

"I did" He says.

"Are you high?" I asked.

"As fuck" He replies.

"I thought after Rick found you on that roof with it he took it away" I mutter.

"Not all of it" He says.

I decide to use a high Merle to my advantage.

"Merle what is Philips plans?" I ask.

"There is a prison, he wants it" Merle replies groggily.

"Why? Its safe here?" I ask.

"It may be, but its safer there, safer fer ya" Merle mumbles.

"Whats up with him?" I ask.

"He gotta daughter, she turned, plus he has 'n obsession with walkers in fish tanks" Merle chuckles.

I turn away disgusted and look at my watch.

6:50 it reads.

"I gotta go Merle, get some sleep" I murmer pulling him under the covers and then tucked him in.

"Ya don't have ta mother me woman" Merle growls.
"Yah I do" I mutter turning around to leave when a hand shoots out and grabs me.

"I wouldn' a told ye that if I were sober would I?" Merle asks.

I shook my head and left hearing the cuss words escaping Merle's mouth as he realised he had betrayed his leader.


I sit on my bed and wait, I look at my watch to pass the time.

6:59 it reads.

Oh god I hate when I think people will be late.

Jaz sweeps through the door just as the clock turns seven.

"I know ya hate it when people are late" She smirks.

"Lets get this ready then" I say.

"Ya talked to Merle?" Jaz asks.

I nod as an answer.

"What he say?" She asks.

"That Philip wants to take over a prison, his daughter is a walker and he has an obsession with walkers in fish tanks" I say then cringe when the image appears in my mind.

"He told ya all this?" Jaz asks startled.

"He was high" I state.

"Meth or coke?" She asks.

"Meth" I reply.

"Damn we need to get outa here as soon as possible, ma brothers are in, what bout Merle?" Jaz asks.

"I doubt it but we gotta find Daryl and Rick!" I say.

"Yeah, wouldn' put it past...Philip... If the meat we were eating was the people that didn't get in!" Jaz says.

"What?" I ask never hearing of this before.

"Rose, not everybody gets in to Woodbury, some who are weak don't and are passed off as dead." Jaz mutters.

I just stare at the ground.

"No, Merle didn't mention about the meat, but I won't eat it again.." I trail off.

"When are we leavin'?" Jaz asks.

"I miss ma family, so soon" I say.

A man I don't know walks in.

"H-hey, I'm Milton, The Governor wants to see you both" He stutters.

"I'm Jaz and this is my friend Rose" Jaz says with a smile and I insantly like this guy.

"I know" He smiles.

We follow him to the big dinning room.

"Ah girls finally" Philips voice booms.

I see who is seated.

Philip at the head with Merle at his right and Martinez at his left, his henchmen, Charlie sits with Beth next to him clearly in love, Milton takes his seat three from Merle and I sit next to my brother with Jaz next to me.

"We are gonna talk to the people at the prison" Philip says voice filled with authority.

"The people I want there are Martinez, Charlie, Jaz and Rose, nobody else" Philip booms.

"What about me?" Beth squeaks.

"You stay here" The governor says turning to leave before he stops.

"You leave now" He says and leaves the room.

I grab my bow and knives heading to the boys with Jaz.

Beth runs into Charlie's arms.

"Be safe babe" She whsipers and ghosts a kiss on his lips.

She stares at us like she wants to say somat then she leaves.

I look at Jaz and we are dumbfounded.

"She is just tired" Charlie says approaching us.

"Ready to go" I say walking past him with Jaz next to me.

As I get on my motorcycle I have a feeling Philip will start a war.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed that chapter, we are gonna see the Prison soon which means more.....Daryl! Oh and Rick of course and I am truefully sorry that I have kept them handsome men away from you for so long (They were round mine) But they will be back and making an appearance in the next chapter so....

Stay Tuned x

The Huntress a Rick Grimes RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now