Chapter 19 - kisses

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{Doncaster, Louis home, After School, shortly before Harry's visiting}

LOUIS:(yells) "Harry is coming over."

JAY:"Alright, should I cook something?"

LOUIS:"Didn't you say you have a date today?"

JAY:"I have, but I could cook before I go."

LOUIS:"You don't have to, Harry can cook, at least he claims so." (Smiles) "And I will proof if he says the truth, so it's alright, just enjoy your date."

JAY:"Harry is such a cutie, I hope you two have fun, not too much though." (Winks)

LOUIS:(whines) "Mooom, Harry is not gay."

JAY:"Who said that?"

LOUIS:"Harry himself said that."

JAY:"Then he is truly in denial, because well he sure gives off the gay vibe, anyways I have to do my make up."

LOUIS:(groans) "Women." (Talks to himself) "What even is a gay vibe?"

(Louis prepares the ingredients, so Harry and he can cook something, even if he isn't sure what exactly they will cook. Jay is gone already and Louis is home by himself as suddenly the doorbell rings)

LOUIS:(opens the door) "Come in big boy."

HARRY:(smiles fondly) "Don't call me that dwarf." (Takes off his shoes and follows Louis into the kitchen)

LOUIS:"So I figured, since you always brag about your cooking skills, we should cook today, so I can tell you off and proof that you aren't the best cook."

HARRY:(laughs) "Are you even able to cook something, without burning it?"

LOUIS:"No, that's why you are about to cook, idiot."

HARRY:(scoffs)"No need to be mean dwarf."

LOUIS:"Stop insulting me and start cooking, I'm starving."

HARRY:"Okay, okay, let's make pancakes."

LOUIS:"What? That's the best you can do? Even my sister can cook pancakes."

HARRY:"But my pancakes are the best. Don't complain, let's just do them, it's easy, so even you can help."

(They start cooking and both of them are flirting without an ending. Subtle touches here and there and blushing like tomatoes on both sides. The longer they cook the more the sexual tension grows and Harry wants nothing more than to kiss Louis and squeeze his delicious looking ass, because Louis looks so freaking cute with all the flour on his face, even Louis suppresses the urge to snog the hell out of Harry. Harry looks just so hot, while cooking)

HARRY:"Ready, go get the maple syrup and then you will taste the best thing ever."

LOUIS:(grabs the bottle) "Here it is, so let me taste it now."

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