Chapter eight - Boyfriend

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{Domcaster High School, 8:00am, first period}

LOUIS:"He is such a nice guy. He was so gentle and caring and ugh. It was really good."

NIALL:"So you like him?"

LOUIS:"I guess, but I don't have butterflies when I'm near him."

NIALL:"I don't even know if that butterflies thing is true. It could be a rumor or something, we wouldn't know."

LOUIS:"But how am I supposed to know that I like him then?"

NINA:"You sound like a teenie girl. Lord just ask him out and see if it works or not."

LOUIS:"And if I don't like him like that?"

NINA:"You will see. Try something new Lou. Be a little risky." (Winks) "Take me as an example."

LOUIS:(laughing) "You and risky. That was a good one."

NIALL:"Even though she isn't risky, she made a point there. Go and ask little Zaynie." (Puts his hand over his heart) "Maybe he is THE ONE, you always wanted."

LOUIS:"I really think he isn't, but hey being incredibly risky now." (thinks) "I'm being risky in the break okay?"

(Break: Louis searches for Zayn in the Hallway, he spots him with Harry, as usual, at their lockers)

ZAYN:(pulls Louis in for a kiss)"Hey babe."

LOUIS:(smiles, but is really uncomfortable under Harry's gaze)
"Hey. I wanted to talk to you for a minute." (looks at Harry, as a clue to leave, but he doesn't move)

ZAYN:"Whatever it is he is my best friend he can hear it." (Lightly squeeze Louis' hand)

LOUIS:"Well okay." (Fumbles with the bottom of his shirt)"I know this is really soon, but I really want you to be my boy-" (Harry grabs Louis arm and pulls him away, he pushes him in the janitor closet)

HARRY:"What do you think you were doing, huh?" (Steps incredibly close to Louis, their noses almost touching)

LOUIS:"Asking the boy I like to be my boyfriend! That's what I was doing and that is what I will doing if you stop being a jerk."

HARRY:"Isn't that a bit forward? Would you say you love him ? Like you have that weird feeling in your stomach? Do you get jealous if you see him with someone else? Is you heart beating faster every time you see him? Couldn't you imagine a life without him?"

LOUIS:(gulps, because the answer to every question is no) "Yes." (Harry steps closer to him, Louis heart is beating really really fast and he indeed has a weird feeling in his stomach)

HARRY:"So he makes you happy?" (Their chests are pressed together and Louis is hardly breathing)"Answer me."

LOUIS:"I guess I am."

HARRY:(Has the sudden urge to kiss Louis and Louis biting his lips only makes it worse)"Stop biting you lip."

LOUIS:(stares at Harry's lips, still biting his own one)"Hmm." (They are far to close by now and Louis feels Harry's breath on his lips)

ZAYN:"What is going on?" (Pulls Louis away) "Déjà vu, I would say."

HARRY:(happy that Zayn interrupted them, because he is 100% sure that he would've kissed Louis, but he is not gay, clearly) "Yeah you should be more protective about the little geek or else I will do some things to him."

LOUIS:(stares deep in Harry's eyes)
"Bad things?"

HARRY:(mumbles)"really bad things."

ZAYN:(feels the sexual tension)"You wanted to ask me something Loubear?"

LOUIS:"Uhm.. Yes... Like I said it's pretty forward, but.. Um ... I like you and I want you to be my boyfriend."

ZAYN:"YES, of course. I like you too and as a bonus you are an animal in bed."

(Louis turns around to see if Harry is still there, but the curly headed boy is no where to be seen. Louis feels like he just made a really big mistake)

ZAYN:"C'mom babe biology starts soon."

{Doncaster high school, 9:10 am, biology class}

MR.GREEN:"So continue your projects. You all have the first station finished and I will collect your essays about your partners today."

LOUIS:"Did you do it?" (Harry nods) "Wow didn't expected that to be honest."

CAT: "We can't continue, no one knows what station two is."

MR.GREEN:"Oh yeah sorry. Station two is about your body. Biology is a known as the science of the body. So Station 2 will be an essay about the abilities of your bodies. But also about the difference of your body and the body of your partner."

HARRY:"Easy, I'm handsome you are not."

LOUIS:"I'm intelligent you are not."

HARRY:"I'm strong you are not."

LOUIS:"I am strong!" (Flexes his biceps, Harry gulps, because well that was hot)

HARRY:"I'm stronger."

LOUIS:"You are such a child! Could we maybe start. So what do you know about our bodies?"

HARRY:"You have a huge ass."

LOUIS:(tries not to act hurt)"In general."

HARRY:"We all have a nose, mouth, ears, eyes, arms, legs."

LOUIS:"At least that's something. I feel like I'm going to do that station alone."

HARRY:"No you won't. We can meet up at mine after school." (Frowns)"My mum missed you anyways."

LOUIS:"Uhm, Okay when is your last period?"

HARRY:" 2pm yours?"

LOUIS:"Mine too. So in front of the school at 2."

I know it's really short, but I will try to update every week from now, probably every Sunday. So yeah short chapter !
Vote and comment please :***!

I'm in London for one week so next Sunday I will maybe not be able to update. LOVE YOU!

The one with the tattoos || l.sOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora