Chapter 3- I'm living with a murderer

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hey guys sorry it is so late i have been caught up with other things and stuff :) please forgive mwe

enjoy xxx

Kathleen’s POV

When we got back to the apartment I ran over to my room and looked in my mirror. I was going to say my face is a disaster waiting to happen but I think the disaster part has, I looked at the time. “YOU ARE SOOO LUCKY THIS ISNT A UNIVERSTIY DAY,” I yelled up to Robbie which I bet was chilling on the sofa. I got into the shower. “WHY? SCARED OF BEING LATE.” He laughed as the shower went frozen cold. “HOW DO YOU LIKE THE COLD.” He yelled. I stood to the side of the shower but it didn’t seem to get any hotter so I carried on. When I got out of the shower I quickly dressed , and walked out to the living room. I saw Robbie sitting on the couch, trousers half way down his bottom and he was shirtless. I was err kind of err gawping? I then turned my attention to something else. The kitchen sink, I noticed the tap running. “seriously.” He nodded and walked over to me. I grabbed his wrist and pulled him to the bathroom and shoved him in the shower and turned it on and shut the door holding it shut for as long as I could whilst he tried to get out shivering cold. He then yanked the door open pulling me in with him. I screamed and he laughed. We then had a moment like they do in the movies where you stare into each others eyes whilst getting soaked but then he ruined it by shoving the shower head in my face. I ran off. IDIOT. “YOU JERK.” I yelled laughing. He smirked. “now clean up we wouldn’t want you making everything wet would we,” he winked. I smiled. I had and evil plan, I ran off. “hey what are you doing.” He said following me into his room. I jumped on his bed. He frowned and then shouted hey before running and jumping on me. “now say your sorry.” I shook my head. He picked up a pair of his boxers, omg he is gonna shove it in my face. “SAY IT!” he laughed, “no.” he bought it closer to my face. I shook my head. “fine you asked for it.” he dropped them on my face and got off. “by the way I am not a tramp or ought they are fresh from my drawer, and I am guessing you like them since you are not taking them off.” I realized what he just said and instantly shook them off of me. He laughed. “you’re an idiot Robbie,” I laughed. And got off his bad. “well we know who is doing the washing up.” He smiled. “yea you.” I laughed. He shook his head. “you’re the women now get in the kitchen.” He laughed. I shook my head. “you better wait.” I said walking into my room, I shut my door and I knew he was standing on the other side. “hurry up.” He said. I laughed, “im getting changed since you wet my clean clothes.” I yelled through the door. “oooh.” He laughed. I shook my head. I got changed into my second pair of clothes and opened my door causing Robbie to fall flat on his face. “haven’t you got a girlfriend to bug.” He smirked, “in the 2 or 3 days we have been living together you haven’t learn anything about me have you. I bed them and dump them.” “what about if they are madly inlove with you.” He shrugged. “too bad.” He then walked off after getting up which he already did. He walked over to the sofa. “so what do you want to do tonight.” He said. I shrugged. “why do you want to hang with me you are not bedding me.” I laughed and so did he, “I know your not that type your too . . . whats the kindest word. Innocent.” He smirked. “I wouldn’t say that you know, im not a virgin and I know how to use a gun.” He nodded. “I believe the virgin part but the gun part nah.” I smiled. And pulled a gun out of the side of my skirt. He stepped back and then had a confused on his face. “wait if you know how to use a gun then why didn’t you shoot that kid that was horrible to you.” I put the gun away and looked at him. “I didn’t say I use it. I just said I know how to. I am not like that.” He shrugged and sank into the sofa. I watched as his abs stuck out of his chest the more he relaxed. “stop checking me out and sit down.” He smirked at me. I pulled the whatever look and sat down. He smirked. The phone went off. It made me jump and then he answered. “yes . . . . ok . . . . ill be there in 10” he then hung up. “got a bed to break.” He winked, that poor girl, he left the room. Blaine walked in nodded at Robbie outside the doorway and then smiled at me. “so, erm now we are both in the same town again how about we do the training thing again. Besides we are closer to the gym now.” He smiled and I nodded. “sure, I go on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays any way.” He nodded. “weekly then that’s good. By the way I don’t want to start our relationship back up I am in one right now.” He did an innocent smile and I nodded and said, “I didn’t want to anyway no offence. I have a boyfriend too.” I lied. “y-you do?” I nodded and then he did, we got on our way to the gym. “im breaking up with my boyfriend tonight.” He looked at me. “yeah, how come?” I smiled. “we never see eachother or talk to eachother and I am pretty sure he is cheating on me, actually I should do it now considering he is only awake between 1pm and 2pm. And its 1.30.” he laughed I got my phone out and dialled roxanne’s number and hung up and pretended I didn’t. “hey toby. . . . yeah Im ok I guess but I am here to talk to you. . . . I know.. . . . look I think you’re a great guy but it isn’t working out . . . . I am glad we both agree I think we should part ways maybe be friends . . . . true ok screw the friends idea just be acquaintance . . . . yeah ok cya. Wow he is a nice guy. Meh.” He laughed. “your not going out with anyone are you?” he asked. “err well obviously you just heard me break up.” I said innocently, “no I mean in the first place you didn’t have a boyfriend in the first place.” I nodded. “yeah I did.” He smiled and nodded, “whatever you say lets just go inside.” He smiled I nodded and we walked in. inside it was cold with a bit of heating, it so we don’t overheat when we train.  We trained with the fitness equipment and boxing equipment for hours atleast until 7pm“lets see how much you know then.” He said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the boxing ring. I twitched when he touched my wrist but I went any way. He stood in one corner and I stood in the other. “so how come if you get picked on you don’t fight?” he asked. “blaine the moves I know is for intamite fighting I could kill someone.” He shrugged, “so?” he asked. “so blaine I want to have a good reputition.” He laughed. “kiddo you can fight the most harm you will do would be break a bone. Now lets get ready.” He smirked. We messed about for nearly an hour and then he ran towards me and I panicked and moved causing him to fall to the floor. I took this opportunity to sit on him and hold him down. He rolled and I fell to the floor, now he was on me. We sat for a moment staring at eachother and his lips crashed on to mine. We got our tongues involved and they played around with eachother. He moaned and I pulled away. He looked confused. “im sorry blaine your in a relationship. I cant do that.” He nodded. “I know sorry I made a mistake just a one off right? We can forget and move on.” I nodded. “yeah erm I better go.” He smiled. “probably best,” and laughed as he got off me. I went into the changing rooms I wanted to get out of these clothes. I still had feelings for him, a tear trickled down my face. I got changed into jeans and a vest top with an anchor at the bottom. I walked out and blain was punching a boxing bag. He looked like he was trying to kill it. another tear shot down my face as I walked out of the main doors. The cold air hit the tears trail. I looked around. Which way do I go? Hmmm I got out my phone and clicked on maps and followed the way by looking at that, when I reached inside the apartment I saw Robbie standing there looking concerned as he walked towards me. “where were you? Blaine said he messed every-. Never mind, he said you left, half an hour ago.” I looked at the floor. What did blaine say he messed every what? I looked at Robbie. “I got lost, . . . I am going to my room.” I said rushing off. “he said to say what ever happened he is sorry.” I nodded and slammed my door. I began to cry. I missed Blaine, I know I have dated guys in the past . . . a lot but Blaine was different. He wasn’t the one I lost my virginity to, I did that before when I was drunk Hahaha. I looked at my mirror. I had mascara running down my face. My phone buzzed. I looked down I had a message, I hope you are not mad for what happened today xxx  and he has the guts to put kisses to me. I am not mad like you said one off. (: btw you shouldn’t put kisses to me save it for your girlfriend,  I pressed send. Hahaha you are probably right sorry. And good.  I sighed and looked at my feet. I wiped my eyes and fixed my makeup. I walked out of my room. Robbie wasn’t there, I wanted to get drunk and laid Hahaha yeah I tend to do that when I am upset, annoyed or my hormones are funny. I checked robbies room but before I entered there was a sign. Gone out to a club be back later. Don’t get up to anything ;) hmm I looked at the time 9pm wow today went fast I waltzed into my room. Looked for my party clothes and got dressed. After I walked up to my car and got on my way. We don’t need a running commentary Kathy. I laughed to myself. I went to a club 10 minutes away in the car and parked my car. I gave some dude my id and walked in, it was crowded with people, “in an hour I am expecting a dance from you.” A guy whispered in a husky voice sending chills down my spine. I turned to look who it was but all I saw was a guy in skinny jeans with a black leather jacket on and brown hair. That was the back of him. I smiled to myself before walking over to the bar. “what can I get a pretty lady like you?” the man asked. I blushed. He was really good looking dirty blonde hair long. Brown eyes. Wait. “Austin?” he stepped forward. “Kathleen right? What are you doing here?” I shrugged. “to be honest I am here to get drunk and . . .” he cut me off. “get laid Hahaha.” He laughed. I shrugged. “so erm the guys are over there.” I gasped. “don’t tell them I’m here.” He nodded and mimicked zipping his mouth up. I laughed abit and I had a drink or two. Ok 4 and I went tipsy. “how about that dance then.” A guy said from behind me. “go away hunter.” Austin said infront I turned round. “ok. Austin don’t worry your head you will get your turn.” I said stroking his head. “is she drunk?” the guy said Austin nodded. “I am hunter by the way.” I nodded. “can I get you a drink?” I nodded. “yeah a drink will earn your friendship.”  I said. I smiled. We had atleats 3 drinks before we went to dance. By that time I was completely drunk I didn’t no what was going on but I did know hunter wasn’t drunk enough to forget everything. “lets dance.” I said. He smiled. “I like this song, erm that one.” I smiled. And he laughed. Ok. I coughed, “hey we should play chet.” He laughed even more. “when you can say the word I will. Its chess.” “that’s what is said.” We went to the middle. And we began to dance. Next thing I knew I was making out with him. I pulled my self away. we walked over to a table. I went to sit down and then realized there was no chair and I fell on the floor. “ok you need to go home.” I shook my head. “no; no; no party hasn’t ended yet.” I smiled. And he shook his head. “it has for you.” He grabbed my arm. “RAPE!” I yelled. Why did I yell that. “what are you doing here Kathleen.” Robbie asked. “well if you must know I wasn’t looking for you I was dancing with him and he tried to attack me.” Robbie knew I was drunk. “what did he do?” he asked. “he pulled my chair away and, and grabbed my arm.” Robbie nodded. “you hunter stay away from her.” Robbie picked me up. “call me, my number will find you somehow I live in a flat come visit me.” I started shouting at hunter. He nodded. “shut up.” Robbie said. “put me down Robbie, I am in-.” “insane is what you are, your drunk and going home.” He placed me into his passenger seat. “right ok do your seatbelt up or do I have to do that too.” I winked at him. “what ever floats your boat.” He laughed. “don’t start.” He got into the drivers seat. “you know when I am with you I am completely over blaine.” He froze. “what?” he asked. “I said-.” “I know what you said, you just said you like blaine.” I looked at the floor. “I don’t know Robbie when I am-.” “shut up, is that what you was upset about?” I shook my head. “I wasn’t upset.” He rolled his eyes and drove off. When we got back to the apartment he made me a coffee and I fell asleep, it was 11,30pm. When I woke up it was 1am and Robbie was on the couch watching the TV. “morning,” he smirked. “what.” I said. “so flirting with me was fun wasn’t it.” I raised an eyebrow. I then gasped and put my hand over my mouth. “I was drunk.” I mumbled through the gaps of my fingers and then place my hand onto my lap. “I told some guy I wanted to play chet,” he laughed. “you also acused him of rape. You tried to sit on an imaginary chair. You told him to go to the flat, not to mention telling him he has to find it and that your phone number will find him.” He laughed. I looked at my feet blushing. “you also admitted something.” I looked to meet his eyes. “blaine. You told me when you are with me you are completely over him.” I looked at the floor. “just forget that.” I said. He shook his head. “so you like him.” I looked at the door. “I don’t know to be honest, he makes me feel . . . happy I guess but its nothing he is in a relationship. Now enough of me you know my secret now let me know yours.” He smiled. “you wont like it but me and the guys are in a gang.” I frowned. “you in a gang, to be honest don’t surprise me. That isn’t a secret.” I said. “you didn’t let me finish, I killed someone.” I gasped and stood up. “you what?” he stood up and I took a step back. “I had to. It was me or him.” I nodded. “I erm think I am going to my room.” He rolled his eyes. “you are scared right.” I looked away from him. “funny enough no but I am annoyed that I am living with a murderer. Night, don’t kill anyone whilst im gone.” I scoffed and he went rage. “LOOK IT WAS A ONE OFF AND I WENT TO JAIL FOR IT I DID THE TIME.” He roared. “but it still doesn’t bring that person to life.” I looked at the floor and he sighed. “he tried to kill me.” He said and stormed off we both stomped into our rooms slamming the doors behind us. I went to bed.  I’m living with a murderer.

hope you enjoyed it and hopefully chapter 4 wont be too far behind

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