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In orbit over Chiwan

Senator Janos was in his chambers. He was lying on his bed when the transmission reached him. He'd been waiting for this. It was the report on the ADDU.

Had they been successful? Had they even slowed the Swarm?

He groaned.

~Ministry of Defence~

-ADDU Preliminary analysis-

Casualties suffered-63%

ADDU units fought bravely and definitely slowed the pace at which the planet was captured. Planet fell in 3.8 standard earth days, compared to the usual 1.4 days.

Janos slumped into his chair. Was it a success? They took 63% casualties, for sure, but they more than doubled the time the planet took to fall. Could that be a success or a failure? Casualties compared to result. Maybe with more men, they could work. They might be able to hold a planet long enough to evacuate civilians.

He slid a few buttons on the screens and mailed the report to the president. He put a message under.

Success? We more than doubled the time we held off for. With more men, we could potentially hold them for a meaningful length of time. Thoughts?

He checked the clock for earth time. 0432 am. Time to sleep, he thought to himself.

As he nodded off, he thought about visiting earth again.

But that was a long way home.

Long Way Home (#wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now