Chapter 1- New School

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"Claire!!! Get the out of bed you're gonna miss the bus!!!!" My mother screams at me from the kitchen. I fall out of bed and get a concussion. Then I put my favorite outfit on: a pair of black jeans and a grey hoodie.

the bus is here

After riding the bus to school I'm in my first class. Art. I'm new to the school so the teacher makes me stand up in front of the class and say my name and where I'm from. I say my name is Claire and I'm from Urmom a state in Kentucky. I miss Urmom so much Idaho sucks ass. I'm assigned a seat and the teacher tells us to draw the most influential thing in our lives, i look over to see what other people in class are drawing. One girl is drawing makeup, a guy is drawing football and then I see one dude drawing a pineapple. I tap his shoulder and say: "you know you're such a fineapple. He smiles and says "I know. Also my name is gabe!"

Gabe Helmy- High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now