Chapter 4

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In pov of Lily Evans.

Lily Evans wanted to remember all of it, all of the Hogwarts express,all of the station,all of kings cross, the sound of the muggles boarding a train, the smell of coffee that surrounded the station.
All of it.
"HEY! Evans"
Okay nearly everything.
She had turned around just in time the two boys, had kissed her cheeks and had lifted her up spinning her around.Sirius and Remus put her down while Peter smiled up at her, She was not terribly depressed that Petunia had the chance to see 2 particularly handsome boys kissing her on the cheek either. "Hello gentlemen,where's the fourth one?"she said to her best friends. She had grown to love Remus and Sirius over the past year. She couldn't put her finger on it but something shifted with them. They were protective of Lily, but in a different way then James. They treated her like a younger sister. Lily was not used to people sticking up for her, checking to see if she was okay or not, genuinely caring why she hadn't eaten lunch.
That's when she heard a voice she would recognize anywhere, "The fourth one is here." Said a boy with gorgeous hazel eyes, and black messy hair. James Potter.James put his arm around Lily's small shoulder ,amazed that lily hadn't shrugged his arm off, lily had grown to like James' arm, it was warm and comfortable. "So Remus, did you get head boy?" "Umh no, I'm not." "Do you know is?" "Yes it's the boy standing next to you." "WHAT? POTTER IS HEAD BOY? WHAT WAS DUMBLEDORE THINKING? POTTER's A TROUBLE MAKER FOR GOODNESS SAKE.!"
Remus, Sirus and Peter were snickering until Lily shot them a murderous glance.James was the 1st to speak, " you know the head's have to share a dormitory" "Oh My God." The 3 boys walked off to get on the train, while lily said goodbye to her parents and Petuina, her dad spoke, " you have to share a dormitory with that boy? Are you going to be okay? " "Yes Daddy, we do have to share a dormitory but there separate bedrooms, and I can handle myself, look."
Lily flicked her wand and Remus, Sirus and Peter stacked it and fell face first on to the floor, They got up like nothing had happened, the Evans were all laughing, "Bye mummy, daddy and Tuney" kissing all their cheeks and waving goodbye to them.
Lily grabbed James' hand and held it in hers, James was pulling her school stuff on a trolley with a huge smile on his face as they walked towards the scarlet engine, that was puffing smoke, realizing that this would be the last time she would be on her way to Hogwarts. Sirius shot them a look, then looked at there hands intertwined, lily let go instantly and walked to the mardures and her friends compartment, and James asked Remus for his help as, he was pissed off at Sirius; lily had been holding his hand voluntarily, and wasn't letting go then Sirius looked at her and she dropped her hand. Remus understood and didn't say anything, But lead him to the compartment, James sat next to Lily while Remus was sitting next to Emma, a shy girl who like Remus loved to read and had also been a Gryffindor prefect, Emma had dark brown hair that was straight and was covering her face, she had a book out and was holding it out so Remus could read it over her shoulder, they were perfect for each other but hadn't yet realised. Sirius was sitting across from Lily, but next to Rachael, who was Lily's best friend; she had light blue eyes that went perfectly with her blonde long hair, she was a chasser on the Gryffindor team and was excellent in charms and defence against the dark arts.She was talking to Sirus, they too had a friendly relationship, it was cute, Alice was lily's other friend, she was the most bubbly person Lily had ever seen, the most friendliest also, she had black short hair that just reached her collar bone, with grey eyes, she was in a relationship with Frank longbottom, who was a Hufflepuff beater on the quditich team."SHIT! Lily we have a meeting to go to, come on" with that lily and James left the compartment leaving it in silence. Rachael was resting her head on Sirius' shoulder with Sirius' arm around her waist pulling her closer, Emma and Remus were still reading and Peter and Alice were talking about their holidays.

While Lily and James had finally arrived at the prefect meeting, only to find no one in there, but themselves, "so umm potter I think we should call each other by the proper names now, seeing as we will be living together, if that's okay?" "Okay then eva--I mean Lily" Lily was bitting the inside of her lip, a sign to James that she was nervous or thinking about something important, "what is it Lily?" "I'm nervous " just then all the prefect's walked in.
"Hi, Lily and I are this year's head girl and boy, in this little meeting we will sort out the patrols, this year though you have patrol with the other prefect from your houses, don't ask us why, because funny enough we don't know either. Any questions? Nope okay, me and Lily will do from 9.30-12.30 pm together while the prefects do 6.00 - 9.30, then the teachers will take over from me and Lily and the ghosts at 12.30 pm. Is that alright?" A few people murmured a yes while some just nodded indicating that they understood. They discussed a few things then ended the meeting as they were nearing Hogwarts, lily lead James back to there compartment, grabbing her stuff she walked with James to the toilets so she could get changed. After getting changed and painting for James she turned around to see Serus Snape Lily's ex-bestfriend, the friendship had ended when Snape called Lily a mudblood, a rude word to describe a muggleborn witch or wizard.James stepped next to her, "Lily? Can we talk? In private?" "Are you going to call me a mudblood again?-- Snape shock his head-- then yes we can talk." James was going to say something but Lily silenced him, "James stay here, okay. Me and Snape will talk over there" pointing over to and empty corridor. "Okay Lils, see ya in a minute." Lily dragged Snape to the deserted corridor. " Look Lily, I just want to say sorry, but I wish you stopped hanging out with that James Potter, he's bad for you." You wanted to say SORRY? AND He's bad for me? And how do you know this? James is a great friend, better then you ever where, he doesn't care about my blood status, unlike you do, he generally cares for me and my friends. I have had enough SNAPE. Goodbye!" Lily walks over to james, who pulls her in close, his arms around her shoulder giving her a one armed hug.

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