Chapter 3

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In pov of James Potter.
James had been woken up by his best friend padfoot or otherwise know as Sirius, "jamessss" "yes Padfoot?" "Nothing prongs" "erghhhh I wanted to sleep" James said as he sank deeper into his pillow.
When James next woke up he leaned over Sirius and shouted "Breakfast!" Sirius woke up and shouted "YAY! FOOD!" Dragging James down the stairs who was dying of laughter, Sirius then shouted for Strawberry; the Potter's house elf "yes mister Sirius " "can we have the normal Berry?" "Of course mister Sirius" it was obvious that it wasn't only humans who liked Sirius, Berry obviously did too. By the normal, Sirius means a mountain of pancakes for James and him to share, packed with chocolate sauce and cream, it only took the 2 boys the best of 15 minutes to eat. While at the other end of the table Mr and Mrs Potter were eating a more healthy breakfast, also prepared by Berry,a fruit salad. Mr and Mrs Potter are both very high achieving Aurors, probably the best in the job, along with mad-eye ( Alstor Moody), the pair said their goodbyes and disapperated to the ministry of magic.They had left Sirius and James by themselves. The boys now finished with breakfast, went to play quiddich, grabbing their broomstick they flow down the long corridors and out to the garden, transfiguring a ball into a snitch, they let it go. After lunch the 2 boys started packing for Hogwarts, considering that they where leaving in a week, they needed to pack; that's when a great big black eagle flow into the room, a smaller eagle following. The 1st eagle had flown over to James dropping the letter ripping the letter open,already reading the letter

Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry

Same as every year.
Remember name tags

Set books.
N.E.W.Ts students should have a copy of each of the following:
Advanced book of spells and charms by Miranda Goshawk
Advanced book of transfiguration by Emeric Switch
A experts guide to magical herbs and fungi by Phyllida Spore
Advanced book of potions and their cures by Arseniuns Jigger
The advanced dark forces by Quinton Trimble

Other equipment:
1 wand
1 cauldron
1 set of scales
1 Potions kit
1 broomstick

Students may also bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad

Miniva McGonagall
( deputy headmistress )

The second letter had not been written by professor McGonagall, but by the headmaster.

Dear Mr James Potter,
I personally congratulate you on becoming the qudditch Capitan and this year's head boy. I look forward to working closely together with you and this year's head girl.Once you are on the Hogwarts express your prefects will meet you in the head's compartment to discuss patrols, and the use of the prefect's duties.I will meet you after the feast in the side entrance off the great hall to discuss a matter with you and head boy. I enclose your Head boy badge and your qudditch Capitan's badge.
Yours faithfully

Albus Dumbledore
( headmaster of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry)

James turned over the two badges, one had a H on with the Hogwarts crest on, and the other one a C with the Gryffindor colours in the background.
James swore ."Dumbledore's gone mad Padfoot" Sirius looked over James's shoulder and laughed "Prongies head boy? What was Dumbledore thinking?I am I always know Dumbledore had gone off his rocker but seriously" " Oi! I also got qudditch Capitan" "hey! I bet Evans is head girl!" "The heads have to share a dormitory"."this is going to be an interesting year, ehg prongs?"

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