Chapter 2

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Pov of lily Evans.
It was a gloomy Sunday morning, 2 weeks before she went back to Hogwarts for her final year. And she had nothing to do; she had already done that summer's homework and essays, but she was waiting for a certain letter, from a certain school. Lily Evans was a muggleborn witch and attended Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, a school for magic. She was looking through her last Christmas present from her parents, a muggle camera. She had taken pictures from Hogwarts, one with her best friends and herself with the maudures.Lily was close with 2 of the 4 maudures, Remus and Sirius who she loved like brothers, and acted like them too, they were very protective of her, and she couldn't wait to see them again.She wasn't close with Peter Pettigrew, it was he was just there, he didn't talk, and was very nervous around girls.James potter was the last maudur and defiantly the most annoying, he always asked her out, and she would always curse him for asking, he would always play with his uncontrollable hair, running his hands though it,and last of all he was a trouble maker.

She snapped out of her daydreams as she heard an owl hooting at her, looking at it with curiosity she opened the window to allow the barn owl in.The young owl dropped the letter and swooped over to Lily, resting on her shoulder . Lily slowly stroked the owl and it hooted softly and went back out the window, she continued to watch the owl until she couldn't see the owl anymore. Then she turned to the letter, it had the Hogwarts crest on it, delighted, she opened the letter, she saw her equipment list for her n.e.w.t year.

Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry

Same as every year.
Remember name tags

Set books.
N.E.W.Ts students should have a copy of each of the following:
Advanced book of spells and charms by Miranda Goshawk
Advanced book of transfiguration by Emeric Switch
A experts guide to magical herbs and fungi by Phyllida Spore
Advanced book of potions and their cures by Arseniuns Jigger
The advanced dark forces by Quinton Trimble

Other equipment:
1 wand
1 cauldron
1 set of scales
1 Potions kit
1 broomstick

Students may also bring an owl OR a cat OR a toad

Miniva McGonagall
( deputy headmistress )

Lily sighed. And throw her letter to the ground, it made a gentle thump on her carpet, hesitantly picked it up, and saw a badge, with the letter H on it, and swallowed she picked up the other letter she hadn't noticed before and read.

Dear Miss Lily Evans
I hope you summer has been enjoyable and satisfactory. I am pleased to announce that you are this year's head girl, I look forward to working closely together with you and this year's head boy.Once you are on the Hogwarts express your prefects will meet you in the head's compartment to discuss patrols, and the use of the prefect's duties.I will meet you after the feast in the side entrance off the great hall to discuss a matter with you and head boy. I enclose your head girl badge.
Yours faithfully

Albus Dumbledore
( headmaster of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry)

She was head girl! She squealed and her mother ran up the stairs running into her room, shocked to see her youngest daughter squealing like a 2 year old, when lily had finally calmed down she told her mum that she was this years head girl. And her mum reacted in the same way. Squealing.

Lily's hand went under her pillow, to find her wand and she sent tiny fireworks off, causing little sparkles of colour to bust off in all different directions. Petuina; lily's older sister came in and stared at the tiny fireworks display and her freak of a sister. the sisters had once been close but when lily found out she was a witch and Petuina wasn't their friendship had crumbled, feeling the awkward atmosphere, Petuina spoke "mum I am seeing vermon now, goodbye" she kissed her mother's cheek and turned as if lily wasn't there, she exited. Lily smiled she was head girl. She wondered who head boy was, she hoped it was Remus.
"mum iam going to get my school supplies do you want to come with me? Her mother nodded a yes and went to go and get ready, while lily transfigured her outfit in to something more suitable for diagon ally, her pyjama shorts now light blue ripped jeans, her pyjama top now a grey sweater, she put her wand into her brown bag that had an extension charm on it, and reached for her purse and put it in her bag. About 5 minutes later lily's mum had gotten ready and was now standing in her bedroom, lily grabbed her mum's arm, to take her in side-along apperation, to diagon ally. She concentrated on the magical ally and soon found herself standing outside gringotts, the magical bank, her mum's mouth was in a perfect O shape as lily walked into the bank, she transferred £500 into magical money, grabbed her mum and walked into flourish and blotts a bookshop for  Hogwarts school books, and any magical interests. She brought her N.E.W.T books and decided to buy a few extra books, afterwards she and her mum went to florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour to get ice cream sundaes, then went to Slug & Jiggers Apothecary, the apothecary sells scales, potions and potion ingredients. The shop is quite fascinating despite its very bad smell (a mixture of bad eggs and rotten cabbage) for her potions lessons. Once she was done with her school shopping her mum and her apparated back home.

Jily ~ a happily ever after?On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara