Chapter Nine: Dark as Night

Start from the beginning

"Is said to? Do you not know for certain he does?" Mace scoffed. If he could boggle everyone into thinking there was no hope, no outpost, no one to help them, maybe, just maybe they wouldn't go. Then he could save Lilith from Duzna.

"Oh Mace, deceit is never pretty on anyone." Mali said chuckling. Mace turned red, and everyone else stood confused, because the two shared a secret, Lilith. Mali was no fool, but Mace wondered how long he had known. "Now, children, you must begin your journey, do not wait until sunrise, leave now."

Mali began to turn and walk inside, but Theresa grabbed his sleeve, and without turning around he said,

"Follow me, my dear."

The two disappeared into the building, and the rest of the group filtered off to gather the supplies needed for their journey.


Mali motioned for Theresa to take a seat in the wooden chair and he slouched beside her, gripping his cane for balance.

Theresa stared at the ground, nervous to share her fears with this man she barely knew. But she felt trust, and strength in his words from earlier, so her gaze drifted upward.

"I've been having these─" But before she could even finish her sentence Mali's rosy red cheeks sported a smile and he said,

"Dreams? Theresa those are not dreams, those are visions."

Theresa's whole demeanor changed from faked confidence, to timid infant.

"That's what I feared." Theresa's muddy irises began to fill with salty tears. "Is it set in stone? Is there any way to avoid the atrocity?" She pleaded.

Mali trudged over to her and placed his hand on Theresa's shoulders. "It's your future, you make it as you wish, but death also has a say in fate, and if he wants you, he'll take you."

Mali kissed Theresa upon the forehead and managed a smile. "Now, my child, I haven't seen your visons, nor do I know your destiny, but be safe." Mali took Theresa's hand and lead her to the door way. "You need to prepare, there will be many trials ahead, that I do know."


When Theresa exited the building, Mace, Egon, Rayner, and Ceridwen were waiting on her. Egon was eyeing his spirit gem, trying to understand the properties of the enchanted jewel. Ceridwen was saddling Artemis and Apollo, strapping her bow to Artemis and slinging the quiver over her back.

Mace sat on the boulder Ceridwen had been atop earlier. A grim smirk rested upon his face as he sharpened two razor sharp axes.

Rayner stood, backpack drooping on his shoulders and one in his hand. Theresa smiled at him, noticing he packed her bag, and strolled over to take it from his hands.

The group stood in a line facing Mali, waiting for his goodbyes.

"Before you all leave, I need to speak with Egon." Mali said.

Egon stood and walked over to the old man, his peers staring with curiosity.

"In private!" Mali announced. Quickly everyone left, heading toward the barn in order to see that everything was ready for their journey.

"My boy, you do not need to beat yourself over the head like this." Mali extended his hand. "Hand me your gem, and staff." Mali commanded.

Even though Egon was puzzled, and understood nothing the man was saying, he passed Mali the items.

"Your future depends on your actions. Just because your powers have not surfaced yet, doesn't mean they don't exist."

Mali stiffened his fingers and made a pulling motion from the ground, then he dropped the gem and it hit the earth. A spiral of wood sprouted and incased the emerald. It began to form the shape of Egon's staff, except now the emerald had finger-like twigs holding it to the top of the wooden staff.

Magic Born: The Uprising (Wattys2016)Where stories live. Discover now