"Fine you can go, but be back no later than eleven." She smiled as I thanked her and headed out the door.

When I pulled up to El's neighbor's house, there were a bunch of cars parked everywhere. I walked in and pushed my way through a bunch of sweaty, drunk bodies. When I got to the living room there wasn't a huge clump of people and I could finally breathe. I didn't spot Ellie so I made my way through the living room towards the kitchen when I was interrupted by a voice.

"Hey look its Victor," The voice slurred.

I turned to see Calum sitting on the couch with his arm snaked around some slutty girl's waist and a plastic red cup in his other hand.

"Dayummm Victor you don't look totally hideous today," Another voice called out.

Everyone started laughing at me, and my cheeks flushed from embarrassment.

"Hey Victor, how bout you come join us for a friendly game of spin the bottle." another boy spoke as he stepped towards me. I recognized all these people from school but I had never actually spoken to them. 

"No I'm okay" I replied.

"Fine," The same boy said reaching out to grab my arm and lead me to the couch, "At least join us for  some truth or dare."

I had no other choice but to sit on the couch next to this drunk, sweaty boy who was basically on top of me, and play a stupid game with his drunk, popular friends. Normally I would be happy to see Calum here but seeing him with that slutty girl all over him was not an enjoyable sight for me.

The boy next to me finally spoke "Fiona, truth or dare?" He asked looking towards a girl on the other side of the room. 

"Umm truth." she replied.

"Are you a virgin?" He asked. The question shocked me. If these were the kinds of questions that were asked in this game, then I definitely didn't want to play. I have never even kissed a boy, let alone had sex with one. 

"No," She laughed like it was a stupid question. 

Next it was the boy who said I didn't look completely hideous's turn to ask, "Danielle, truth or dare?" He said looking towards the slutty girl next to Calum on the couch.

"Dare," She replied confidently. She had the most nasal voice I had ever heard, and it was annoying as fuck.

"I dare you to go into that closet with Cal for 7 minutes." The boy who asked her the question directed as he pointed to a closet on the opposite end of the room.

A cheeky grin spread across her face as she grabbed Calum's hand and pulled him across the room to the closet.

My face was bright red. The last thing I wanted was to come to a party just to know that Calum is probably in that closet making out with another girl. Or they could be doing something even more serious than that. The thought gave me a headache, as I tried to focus on the game going on around me. A couple other people went until the timer finally rang for Calum and Danielle to come out of the closet.

The guy next to me screamed at them telling them that time was up. I gulped as the door opened and I saw a purplish, redish mark on Danielle's neck. Of course he gave her a hickey. She probably gets a bunch every weekend and shows them off in school the next week. I can just imagine her talking to all her friends:

"Oh yeah I got this one from Calum Hood, and I got this one from blah blah blah" 

The thought disgusted me.

"Hey Victor, truth or dare?" Some guy on the other side of the room spoke.


"I said truth or dare?" He slurred as he took a sip from his red cup.

"Oh uh..." I began trying to think of what to reply.

"Say dare Victor." The guy next to me whispered.

"uhh...dare," I hesitated.

"I dare you to....strip for us."

My eyes widened at the remark. Getting involved in this game was a bad idea. As soon as I heard them say 'Victor' the first time I should have just walked away. 

"Dude, I think that's a little too extreme." Calum mumbled

"Fine if Cal's got such a problem with it then why don't you two go upstairs and you strip for just Cal." The guy said.

I blushed at the statement. The idea of being alone with Calum was thrilling but I don't want to strip for anyone and I don't think he wants me too strip for him either. 

I sat there a moments in silence and before I knew it Calum had gotten up off the couch and I was soon following him up the stairs unsure of what was going to happen next.

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