Not knowing how to respond, Jenna stuck her tongue out at me and her siblings who were agreeing very openly.

Faith, being the sweet mediator that she is, turned to Landon and asked him to play his guitar. Landon was happy to oblige. He ran inside and came back out, guitar in hand, in less than a minute.

"What would y'all like me ta play," he asked after he settled back on his log and strummed a few notes.

Hunter stands up automatically with a huge grin on his face, as if he was planning something. He looks at Landon with an evil smile, not trying at all to hide his scheming. "I would like to request a song dedicated to my lovely wife," he winked at me. "Everyone here knows that Annabelle's favorite band is the Zac Brown Band... and her least favorite is the Landon Bradshaw Band. But hopefully my little brother doesn't ruin her song too badly." I was laughing along with everybody else at Hunter's antics. Well everyone wasn't laughing. Landon looked like he wanted to bring up his guitar and smash it on Hunter's head. And Travis Hillwood, well the cowboy didn't look too happy either for some reason. "If you haven't already guessed what song I am requestin' than you're a loser, but I'll tell ya anyway. Sweet Annie."

I smiled sweetly at Hunter. All though he was just messing around, it is really nice of him. Sometimes just the little things that he does make me feel good. I never read into his proclamations of love or his showings of affection, I know that they are all just fun and games. Plus, I could never feel that way about Hunter. But that doesn't mean that things like this don't make me feel special. Don't make me feel worthy of someone's affection and love.

Landon grunted, before he played the first few notes and started to sing. Hunter was only kidding when he said that the Landon Bradshaw band was my least favorite band. They were all very good, but Landon is the star of the group. He has a amazing voice and is very skilled on the guitar. He only ever has to listen to a song once to know how to play it flawlessly. I believe that if he really wanted to, he could go out and make it big time all on his own, but Landon is too loyal to his friends to even think about doing that. He won't be making it without his band beside him.

By the time Landon got to the chorus, Hunter had gotten back up again. He walked around the fire until he stood in front of me. I looked into his playful eyes and then down to the hand that was extended towards me. "Dance with me?"

I stifled back a laugh and took his hand. He led me away from the fire and our families. He placed his hand around my waist and held my hand with his other. I let my left hand rest in the place between his shoulder and chest since I wasn't quite tall enough to place it on his shoulder. He looked down and smirked at me, "you ready, pipsqueak?" He then started to lead the dance, not allowing me to have a chance to respond to his little joke. No pun intended.

We two stepped in the grass, amongst the lighting bugs, and under the stars in silence. It would have been very romantic had it not have been the fact that he was Hunter Bradshaw and our family sat only a few feet away and we're looking directly at us.

I looked over at them. Our parents looked happy. They actually believe and even secretly wish that Hunter and I will eventually stop this game and become a real couple. I laughed at the thought it.

"What's so funny," Hunter asks?

"Huh," I look up at him. "Oh nothin'. Just look how happy our parents look."

He glanced over my head and laughed as well. "You're right. They are probably fantasizin' about our weddin'."

"We've already had a wedding," I reminded him, laughing.

"A real one," he specified. "With an actual pastor, not a pastor's nephew."

I shrugged, "it was the best we could find on such short notice."

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