Hogwarts: Harry

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We scrambled off the Hogwarts Express onto a platform. There were so many students everywhere!

"Where do we go?" I muttered to Ron. But a gruff voice answered my question.

"Firs' years over here, firs' years here," a gigantic man with a bushy beard shouted.

We were led to the shore of the Black lake, which was lined with boats. Ron and I hopped in one, and a girl named Hermione and a boy named Neville joined us.

As we rowed, night overcame evening, and Hogwarts slowly got bigger and bigger. There were lights shining in every window, the towers regally standing straight and tall. All of the lights were reflected in the dark water. The sight made everyone ooh and aah. I looked up at the warm lights, and thought home. Hogwarts will now be my home.

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