Dumbledore's Army: Harry

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I was amazed at how many people had actually showed up at the Hog's Head for Hermione's meeting. Hermione nudged me as Cho Chang walked in and I turned away, knowing my face was a crimson red.

As Hermione gave her speech on how Umbridge wasn't accomplishing anything and how we needed to do something about it, I looked around at the crowd. A good portion of them looked passionate and eager to help. Some looked a little skeptical. Others scared, glancing around at their surroundings.

Everyone eventually signed, and then left soon after Hermione handed out the enchanted Galleons she had worked on. The set date was Tuesday of next week.

I was nervous. What was I going to teach them? I had never willingly gone in front of a crowd, or given any speeches that I had volunteered myself for. I thought back to third year, and how Moony had surprised us by coming as a professor of DADA. And how much he had taught me.

The Patronus Charm! There was a good place to start; it had many uses and was very challenging.

"Harry? Why don't you make a lesson plan? I've made you an outline since you probably don't know how to make one, and here is a list of different charms and defense spells that should be taught in our year--" I sat up from my armchair near the fire in the common room. Hermione stood in front of me with a stack of papers and books.

"Hermione, I've got one figured out. I'll teach you all the Patronus Charm." Her face scrunched up in thought.

"Well, that is on the curriculum list, and it is useful..." I took the opportunity to stand up and say my goodnight.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow, I've got to go to bed!" I stood up and rushed up the staircase, ignoring Hermione's calls of
"We need to make a lesson plan! Harry!"

Ron laughed as I relayed the nights events to him on our walk to breakfast. "Good one mate, I would've taken the chance too," he snickered.

"Ron, it's not funny! When you're teaching it's good to have a plan!" Hermione walked with her arms crossed, and her brow knit.

"'Mione, I'll be fine. We don't need to pick over every detail."

She huffed.

We sat down and Hedwig swooped gracefully down onto my arm and stuck out her leg proudly.

"What's this?" I tore the envelope open and found an extremely short letter from Moony and Padfoot.


The mail's being checked. Won't send many more. Find out soon. Be careful. Have fun. Practice Occlumency.

Snuggles and Howls

Hermione and Ron read over my shoulder as I ripped the letter up into little shreds and tossed Hedwig a piece of bacon from my plate.

"That's very dangerous," Hermione stated. "How are we to relay any--" she stopped suddenly.

"Oh, Harry, did you remember to send your aunt Mildred a birthday card? You know how she gets so lonely, with only her cat, you know..." Ron looked confused, but I understood by Hermione's frantic glance not to say anything stupid that Umbridge was right behind me.

"Oh, yes, I sent it to her last week. You know, so Hedwig has enough time to get it to her in time! You know how post is so slow," I commented, waving Hedwig off.

"Mr. Potter, Weasley, and Ms Granger, may I see your schedules please?" A sugary sweet voice sounded. I turned.

"Oh, sorry, professor, I threw mine out weeks ago. If you really need ours, you could ask our head of House," I said, plastering a smile on my face.

"How careless children are these days," she said sourly. "You must have your schedules with you at all times. Twenty points from Gryffindor." She waddled away and I glared furiously at her, wondering if it were really possible to glare knives into people.

"Harry, let it go, mate," Ron whispered. "Let's tell McGonagall about this."

"Let's wait till Transfiguration, though," Hermione said worriedly. "It would look strange if we all went up to her at the same time during breakfast, no doubt."

"True," Ron grunted, and continued to shove pancakes into his mouth.

The classes passed agonizingly slow that day until Transfiguration. Apparently the toad needed to supervise all of the teachers so we hadn't gotten a moment to talk to any of them.

"Professor McGonagall," I whispered as I ran up to her desk as soon as the bell rang. "Quick, I need to tell you something before she gets here." McGonagall raised an eyebrow and set down her quill.

"What is it, Potter?"

"How can she do this?!" I stage-whispered. "What does she need our schedules for? And why did she become the supreme ruler of--" McGonagall coughed loudly. I stopped, startled.

"Why, hello, Minerva," an all-too familiar voice simpered behind us. "And mister Potter! What are you doing out of your seat? The bell has rung," she said, approaching the desk. The class had stopped its chatter to stare at us in expectation and fear. Hermione met my eyes, hers flashing a warning: don't say anything stupid.

"Why, Potter had a question about his Transfiguration essay, didn't you?" Professor McGonagall said, much to everyone's surprise.

"Er--yes," I said, still stunned. I tried to compose my face into a calm expression. "So exactly what was the phrasing of the question I was supposed to answer, Professor?" I asked, meeting her eyes and surprised even further to find them smiling back at me.

"The question, Mr. Potter, was 'what are five various methods of transfiguring a splinter to a chair?' Pay better attention next time, Potter. Now, since you seem to be so forgetful, I may as well write it down for you," she finished wryly, scribbling the question on a spare piece of parchment, folding it and stuffing it into my hand. "Now, Dolores, what can I help you with?"

I scampered back to my seat as quickly as I could, smiling at Hermione's approving grin and Ron's amazed one. I opened the note after checking to see whether the toad's back was turned.

Be very careful what you vocalize. Be aware there are ears everywhere. The Room of Requirement may help you in various ways.

I tossed the note to Ron, who tossed it to Hermione.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2016 ⏰

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