camila #1

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Y/N: Woah, what did I do?
Camz: DON't play dumb
Camz: You know what you did!
Y/N: I haven't done anything
Y/N: I seriously haven't
Y/N: Camz please
Camz: 🍌
Camz: You ate my laST BANANA!!
Y/N: OMG 😂😂
Camz: Don't laugh!
Camz: This is serious! 😐
Y/N: I remember you sitting on the couch next to me...
Camz: And?
Y/N: Sad because you were eating your last banana
Camz: Ohh yeahh... 😳
Y/N: And you made us have a funeral for the banana
Y/N: And made Dinah chuck the peel out because you were too emotional
Y/N: 😂😂😂
Camz: 😳😶😐

Idk why but I suddenly just started feeling sick. But I pulled through to write this for you guys!

I hope you liked it and I hope it was up to your standards :)
Please comment what you think or anything and vote if you want (I don't want to feel like I'm forcing you that's why I'm being chill about it all :) )

Dinah is the next one so if you have a certain request for it or anything please comment or dm me :)

Thanks for reading, hopefully you enjoyed it. Until next time please stay safe and take care. I love each and everyone of my followers


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