It gave me a small gradavacation that i was getting stronger throughout this time off pain and hell. 

Than has been gone for 5 days now, or was it 6? It's hard too keep track off time when your so consumed by the heat you can't think straight.

I was getting more and more angry by the minute that Than left me too fend for myself. My wolf agreed compleetly. She hungered for her mate but hated he left us like this.

I pray too the moon goddess too let this heat be over soon. According too the doctor it would be 7 days max. So I'm guessing I got the jackpot considering it's day 6 now, right?"

A small knock on the door pulled me out off my inner cursing. I pulled on my sweater sins i was naked and unlocked the door. Marcia came in with the breakfast or lunch. I don't know anymore.

"The Alpha is on his way back." She said excitingly. I shrugged. "So. He's not coming near me if i know him." I stated humourless.

She shook her head and rolled her eyes at me. "Well it's day 6 so it's going the be over soon. One way or the other." She said with a sweet smile.

I returned it. "I wanted too say thanks for putting up with me. If it wasn't for you I would probably starve too death." I said taking a bite out off the sandwich.  My taste buds still gave the blandness in result but i ate it anyway not wanting too dissapoint my friend.

"And for you helping out with the massage's. I just wanted too say I appreciate everything you've done for me." I said honestly. She shrugged playing it off like she always does. "What are friends for." She said with a half hardy laugh.

"Come finish up so i can help you take a bath. Make you smell good for for the Alpha." She said gesturing for me too come. The wave started out slow but i could feel the heat growing in the back off my neck. I groaned. "Sorry Marcia. No bath today. It's starting early." I said cluching my stomach. 

"Alright call if you need me." She said taking her leave. I pulled my clothes on and rewrapped up my feet and hands.

I pulled a quick brush though my hair putting it in a ponytail.  I set too it even if i was tiered and wanted this over with.

I don't know how long I was at it but my stomach tolled me i needed too eat. I pulled on my sweater that reeked off me But i didn't care. I peaked my head out the door and there was already a tray ready for me. I picked it up and locked the door after me taking the tray too the dresser.

I undressed my wraps and put them with the pile off clothes that needed too be washed. I ran my fingers over them thinking of Than.

I downed some water first and forced the food down my throat. I craved for chocolate and the smell off leather mixed with sandalwood.  I pretended it was that wat i smelled and tasted.

I put the tray back outside locking the door again feeling another heat wave creep over me. I walked over too the dresser picking up the red wraps. I hummed along with my play list that was running constantly on the background. I brushed out my hair again looking myself over in the mirror streched out allong one off the walls. 

I made a list for when i was at it and one for in between.

I rolled out my shoulders and started too hit as hard as I could. Suddenly i was hit by the sent i longed for all week. Was this my imagination? I shook it off and punched again adding another kick filled with agrevation.

My wolf started too wag her tail yelping at me as the sent became stronger and stronger. I froze mid kick when she started too yell at me too turn around.

I stopped roling out my shoulders not turning around. I knew he was there. "Than leave now." I stated calmly even when my wolf was screaming at me from the inside.

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