Chapter 13: Packing and Takeaways

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(Trent's POV)

Well I am in quite a lot of pain from getting hit in the nuts. I could never be mad at Rachel though because she is just one of the nicest people in the world and she wouldn't of done it on purpose.

So anyway now we are in Will's car driving back to his house to pick up all of our belongings. We had been staying at Will's second house that his parents rented. The people at Sony said that we had to either buy or rent our own flat as it would be easier for them to keep track and keep a good eye one us boys and also not having to be relying on Will's parents anymore for the house.

Jayden and Julian are having a fight in back seats about which superhero is the best. Will us driving and I am sitting in the other front seat just looking out at the scenery whilst holding the ice on my parts. Zach is in the back on his phone texting Keeda most likely.

Anyway Will just pulled up in the driveway of his house and we all raced inside. I one the other hand hobbled in as my balls still hurt. We got up to our rooms and got all of these boxes out and packed everything in them.

As my balls were in pain the other boys decided that they were going to help with sown of the packing which is good in a way.

My room is pretty much empty now with only clothes to change into for tomorrow and my toiletries. Everything else is in a box that is labeled Trent on it! Our furniture has already been sent off to the new house as the removal company couldn't do any moving tomorrow so they took everything that was too big for us to move out selves. They also took all our gaming things like play station. Jayden is already having a little sulk over in the corner because he can't go very long without the play station as he is addicted to it.

It's now very late which means that we will have to get dinner or something but we don't have any cooking stuff so takeaway it is.

"What's for dinner?" Zach asked.

"Takeaway" Julian answered.

"What kind?" Jayden screamed from the top of the stairs.

"Whatever, I don't really care" I stated.

"How about Indian?" Will said.

"THAI, THAI, THAI!!!" Jayden chanted.

"Can't you guys ever agree on anything" Zach huffed.

"No" Jayden said.

"Yes" will said.

"OMG you guys are unbelievable" Julian stated.

"Trent you just choose something" Zach said.

"Alright then we are having Chinese" I stated.

"Sounds good!" Jules answered.

"Alright what does everyone want?" I asked

"Ok lets get Lemon Chicken for Jules, Fried Rice For Jayden, Singapore Noodles for Zach, Hokkien Noodles for me, spring rolls and what ever you want Trent!" Will said with the other boys agreeing.

"Alright BBQ for me" I answered as I wrote it down on a piece of paper to order out food.


"Gosh I am so full!" Jayden stated.

"Me too" I said.

"Alright I am off to bed" Julian said as well.

"Ok bye Jules" we all said.

"I think we all should go to bed as well" will stated.

"Sounds like a plan!" I stated.


Whoever says the coolest comment will get a dedication!





- Holly xx

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