My Father!

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I woke up in a place I don't know it. I remember I was beaten up, and then..Souta picked me up I think. It was night?! I looked at the clock that was in the table. What? It was 11:30 am! My mother must be dead of fear. I tried to sat up. But I sat down again when I put my foot on the floor and pressed hard on it.
"Don't exert yourself Hana! You can't step on it so much." I heard Souta, who came by the dark, saying it. Saying my name was strange. He turned on the light. I looked at my clothes and he added "I'm sorry I changed your clothes, you were wet and there was blood".
I ignored it, a bit. But I felt embarassed.
"I can dance tomorrow, right?" I asked expecting for the answer to be yes.
"Doesn't your ankle hurt when you are just standing on it? And you have a fever too."
"I know!"
"Then the answer is "no"! Go back to sleep..." he stopped talking and walked by me to put his hand on my forehead and added" you still have fever".
I can feel his hands shaking a little, but why? I can see his eyes tearing but why? Why I feel like crying when I look at him?
"I have to go!" I said.
"Stay here!" He said grabbing my arm.
"Isn't it time to..leave.. each other? Leave me alone! Why don't you!"
I slid my arm from his hand and he didn't stopped me again. Looks like I have really gone. I'm out of this house right now. On the street, the sky is crying heavily, I was walking fast trying not to press on my injured ankle. The rythme of my fast step is matched up with my heartbeat, with the tears of the sky, with the tears I cry. Someone help me, I'm sinking in tears, in pain, in suffer... I arrived at my house. No one was there. Not even my mother. She might be at the convenience store or somthing. There was a room that my mother never opened it. But now it looks like it's opened. I walked by the door and opened it. The room was empty, I walked in to check the room. As I was walking, i realised something wrong with the floor. I tried to step on it harder to make sure about the wrong thing one more time. Then I pulled the carpet from the corner and here I found something like a door. I opened it and found a stair that leads to a room under the ground. I entered it and found myself in another world. Someone have been here I guess There was painting of my mother and painting that is hidden with tissue. There were containers put next to each other beside the wall. I reached my hand to a box, a big one, on a container. I opened it and found letters. I took some of the letters. And started to read:
Dear Izumi,
I wish you good luck for your new life. Don't think I'll forget you for my whole life even if I got married. You know I will get married by force to the one you got jealous of in our school days!
I read another one:
If we love each other, why don't we stay together? Who told you to visit me that day? Don't you know how much you love me, how much you miss me? Don't you know how much I want to see that smile of yours?
I started to cry suddenly, is it maybe similar to mine and Souta?
I didn't stopped to open another one:
Izumi, I'm pregnant! She is your daughter! Nothing happened between me and my husband! We are divorced now? Will you come back? What do I do with the child inside of me?
I opebed another one, but this one is a reply of the letter that my mom wrote:
Do whatever you want! Go away!
Waw! Just a small piece of paper composed of one sentence, 6 words made me cry, cry, made me crazy. And now I have a great pain inside of my heart that is burning so hard that no one can turn it off, cold it, when I saw a picture of my mother leaning through the arm of a man. But that man seems familiar for me. I looked at the back of the picture hoping to discover any clue but I saw their names on the back of it: Erika Miyabi, my mother, and Izumi Tachibana, my fa-father? I rushed to see the hidden picture. I saw all the beautiful expression on their faces. There was gifts inside the comtainer. I opened one of them. It was a necklace and there was a letter:
If you opened one of the gifts that means that you know everything. This letter is from your stalker.
Seiji Tachibana.

Hana! Look at me!" I heard a voice behind me and I felt the hand and the tendress of a person in my shoulder. It was my mother. She came when I was crying. She always lend me a hand when I was sinking in the deep of the sea. She woke me up. She's like telling me "Take it easy and smile". But mom I know what there is imside of you right now. Isn't it my turn to make you feel happy, to tell you "Take it easy and smile". Mom. Sorry. I'm so weak. She sat beside and touched my cheeks to wipe my tears, the tears of sadness.
I asked her:" Is my father, the..Director?"
Just these three letters made me cry more. I added:" Then, Cherry, Souta's fiancee, is my step-sister, and Seiji, my stalker, is my step-brother?"
Why is it complicated? Couldn't it be simplier?
I asked her another question:" Were you married to anither person?"
-Yes, but nothing happened since he knows about the relationship with your father.
Don't say your father!
-Did he sent you this letter..
I showed her the letter that says:
Do whatever you want! Go away!
She looked surprised and sad at the same time.
When I thought she's going to say "Yes" she said "Give it to me".
However, I refused. I want my father to apologise to her with all his respects for the sake of her tears that are falling down from her beautiful eyes.

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