
"Don't you think this hug has been going on for too long?"

"Just keep quiet for a second Teya." He muttered back. Did he really think I talked too much? "I'm sorry about your father." A soothing whisper that barely touched my ears. So that was what this hug had been all about. Comfort. The empty feeling and the loneliness inside of me was extending out, leaving. It was all being replaced by his touch and words. It was because of his presence that I felt whole again. That I could be me. I didn't have to pretend to spy or look behind me every time my eyes were open. All from him.

"Yeah, well there's not much I can do now. He's gone." I shook off Alec's arms. I didn't want his pity right now.

"I guess we should start the preparations. You said they would arrive sometime during this week?" Alec cleared his throat and the heavy weight of the atmosphere broke. I glanced away, waiting for the water in my eyes to clear.

"Yep." I muttered. "Since they know I've been caught, they'll either try bust me out, use it as a diversion and then launch an attack or they'll use this as a surprise attack. I know Anton will have a surprise up his sleeves; you'll have to be prepared for that. I'd recommend moving up the mountain once your pack is hit from both sides. It's safer as you'll have the higher ground advantage." I chewed on my lower lip thoughtfully. This was easier, planning and using my head for other purposes instead of thinking of Finn. How he could carry on his everyday activities without remorse. How could he?

"I should start going through the evacuation plan with the pack and I have a few calls to make. Not to mention explaining this to the council." Alec groaned. The higher ups. I winced, they were not people I wanted to mess with. Talented werewolves who were chosen to form a group whenever necessary. They usually spent most of their time within their own pack but held regular meetings.

"Yep, just leave me here." I whispered, hoping that he would. He was stopping me from escaping. If he left me here, he was only risking the safety of this house. They would come. I knew they would after they realised that I couldn't bring myself to dispose of the evidence. The rogues would fight, the pack would fight and there'd be death everywhere.

The only solution was to remove myself out of harm's way. If I was far away from Starlight Pack's border, there wouldn't need to be any murder of anyone from Alec's pack at this moment in time.

"Sorry can't do that. Logan's coming here." Alec stuffed his phone back into his jean's pocket. The maps and layouts of the buildings were rolled up into a tight bundle. He was leaving here so soon soon? The papers were cleared off the table in the middle of his bedroom. The foldable legs were shaky as I accidently bumped it while moving towards the door.

"You're leaving me with Logan!?" I said in disbelief. Did he not remember what happened last time?

"Yes I am." Alec said distractedly. His eyes flickered to the table and then to his hands. Of course he was more worried about his pack right now than a potential fight between Logan and me.

"Fine! Leave!" I scoffed, thankful for the fact that he trusted me enough to take the handcuffs away with him. I collapsed onto the alcove, with a pillow pressed against my face so he wouldn't see the pain I was feeling. Why was I feeling this twisting pain in my gut when he walked towards the door? Every step felt like a hand reaching into my chest and grabbing onto my heart with a vice grip.

I shouldn't be feeling this attraction to him. It shouldn't be this strong. After all, he hadn't marked me yet. What was wrong with me? Was it past feelings that were once again surfacing? The time when he had saved me?

The door sprung open, hitting the wall in the process making me jump. Logan walked in, clearly annoyed with books in his arms.

"What are you doing?" I asked, sitting up. If I was forced to endure time with Logan, I should at least have prepared beforehand games to play.

"Guarding you obviously."

"No, what's with those books?" The looked very thick and heavy. It would inflict major damage to my body tissues if he decided to swing them at me.

"I'm studying." Logan glared at me.

"You're no fun." I groaned as I turned upside down and wishing that that the knot in my stomach would go away. Today had turned out worse than I had ever imagined.

"Shouldn't you be happy you got a day off school?"

"Of course not. Not if I have to see your face all day." I snorted. If he was so keen on studying, why was he bothering with these questions? "What's with these questions? You bored?"

"No. I'm just frustrated at you." Logan sucked in a breath before he continued on with his work without another glance at me. The silence stretched out until it was too painful for me to sit still.


The pen drew a long black line that felt painfully slow to me but it was the only thing that could pass my time. Logan hadn't even let me venture down to the living room where I could amuse myself with the TV. I was dying of boredom.

Squeak, squeak.

Two more dashes were added to my amateur collage. I couldn't draw to save my life but at least it was killing the slow seconds. The thick smell was so close to me, I was getting a headache. Permanent ink was so strong. If only Logan had something more compatible and colourful but no. his pencil case was as proper and neat it would ever be. There were no fancy metallic markers or colourful permanent markers.

Scowling to myself, I drew an unhappy face with a stick figure body.

"Will you cut that out?" Logan snapped. Finally, some response from him.

"I'm sorry but I'm just so bored." I whined and stretched out the word 'bored' for as long as I could hold it for.

"Then do something."

"I am but you just keep getting annoyed at whatever I'm doing." I protested.

"Because I'm trying to concentrate."

"You should try concentrating in another room." I twirled the marker between my fingers, waiting and hoping he would take the bait. Obviously he didn't. Instead he glared at the marker between my fingers.

"When did you take my pen?"

"When you were busy concentrating." I said. Wasn't it highly obvious?

"What did you do?" Logan's eyes widened at my artwork. I twisted around at the hips, feeling the stretch of my muscles while admiring the sketch that covered the entire window. Even if you were to stand outside, you'd see the image clearly.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"Can you even get it off?" Logan growled, jumping to his feet.

"Of course you can. But why would you want to. It's so pretty." I grinned. Logan didn't agree as he furiously tried to wipe off the permanent ink. "Maybe you shouldn't have bought such a permanent pen."

"Just shut it and what the hell is this?" He pointed at a mass of circles and spots.

"It's a turtle."

"And why is a snake trying to climb up a bunch of rocks backwards?"

"That's a tower idiot and that's Rapunzel." I scowled, deeply insulted.

"That doesn't look like a person... It's got no head." Logan tilted his head as if he could look at it and it would suddenly change into Rapunzel. If he couldn't see it then he didn't have the required imagination skill level.

"You're just blind. There's clearly a head in the window of the tower." I was tempted to shove his face in the window of the tower, only his head wouldn't fit. Which meant I needed a larger window.

"You've got that scheming look in your eyes." Logan said worriedly.

"Trust me... this is nothing harmful at all." I grinned. The only way my plan could possibly backfire is if Logan didn't have another one of these markers. 

It's been a really busy long week so the next few chapters will probably be really simple. I hope you don't mind. 

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