Chapter 1 : Hi's are clichè

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8 Years Ago

"How bout her?"



"Seriously look at her english!" And made a disgusted look.


"Look at her"

"Stop getting so picky"

"Fine" I said and sighed.



"Aaaaagggghhhh" he shouted and fought with me for the mouse. It was 2011 so in our country laptops were still rare and computers were used for internet. We fought and we fought and he accidently pressed the click button and a friend request was sent to a girl.

Yeah we were using facebook and my friend wanted to find "a girl" for me. We were just 14 but critisizing people was fun to us. And you know that I mean girls when I say people.

"Oh look at what you did..she is so....." I stopped."Hmm...okay she doesnt seem that bad"

"Are you f'ing kidding me?". He didnt mean flowers.

"Huh? What? Why?"

"She's awesome. Look at her. No lame way of speaking english and cute photo" Yup, those were the requirements....good photo and no lame english.

"She must be thinking I look so clingy sending friend request" I said in a dissapointed manner.

"Take it this way. She wouldnt even think of you if you didnt send a friend request"

"You got a point. But still...i'm cancelling the request"

Tu-dum. The facebook sounded followed by an evil "hua hua hua hua" but it pretty much sounded like "hi hi hi hi"(witch laugh). On the notification was written:
Supriya Shakya accepted your friend request. Blah blah blah

"Okay that was fast. But i'm not talking to her."

Tu-dum. The facebook sounded for an incoming mesaage. The evil laugh came again as the facebook said:
Supriya Shakya sent you a message
Do i know you??????!!!

You might not believe me but I decreased the number of '?'s.

"Well talk to her." He shouted.

"Wait for it..." I said and moved my hands as if I was doing some magic trick.


"Wait for it...." continuing with the hands

"What the heck!! You're mad. Just ta..."he was saying before he got interrupted. Not by me but by the "tu-duh" sound of facebook.

There was a notification written:
Supriya Shakya liked your profile picture.

I acted as if I was making my tie and took an applause. He laughed but noticed I was getting cocky so hit me in the b'. I mean back not what you're thinking.

"Talk to her now!"

"Yes major!" I shouted and gave a salute.

He laughed openly and said "Smart ass"

I went to chat with Supriya

Me: a single 'hi' would've sufficed

"'re so blowing it. Dont go English freak on her." He said and gave me a thumbs down.

"Something tells me I'm not" Tu-duh.

"Something tell me you are. Oh wait thats my stomach." He said and felt his stomach.
"Oh no...stomach equals lunch, lunch equals home, home equals mom and mom said me to get before 3 am." He looked at the screen and saw the time:
"I'm so dead" he said and laughed. I laughed so hard too that I didnt even hear another 'tu-duh'.
"Well I'm gonna go now and go back to your Shakya girl. She's getting desperate out there" he said and went towrds the door.

"Huh?" I said and realised "3 messages. That must be some kind of record"

"Keep dreaming. 11. Asshole." He said and showed his toungue.

I showed him the finger. No not that one you're thinking of. I showed him the index finger. I was pretty innocent previously you know.

Back to the chatting....

She: Oh so you're one of those fancy english people?

Does a snail send your messages??


I decreased some '?'s there too.

Me: I kan tuk in stpid waa f u lyke

She: Haha please no! I was gonna say I am one of them.

Me: Well that's some co-incidence. Prove it

She: I dont think I need to. But just so you know....hi's are such a clichè

Me: Okay never thought about that. Got a boy friend?

She: Whoa! Slow down mr. I do
Well i dont wanna lie so I did. We broke up like a week ago.

Me: Well I'm sorry.

She: It' okay. I'm pretty sure no relationships for a long time now.

Me: Oh

She: P

Me: Huh?

She: Q

Me: Oooo

She: Pppp!!

Me: Qqqq

She: R-Z :p

Me: Asar- Chait
(Common nepali joke...since Z sounds like jesth and jesth is the nepali month so they say Asar comes after Z. I'm pretty sure i've made the joke lame by explaining it)

She: Smartass

I was suprised for a moment. No girl had even used the word smart to me. Forget about ass part. So you can guess i was smiling as long as my mouth did without hurting.

I was about to reply when something caught me on the collar. It was a big strong hand. 'Tu-dum'

I gulped."How long have you been here?"

"Long enough." My dad said with the look that'd make even Darth Vader faint. Of course i was used to it otherwise hospital it is for me.'Tu-dum'

Awkward silence followed.'Tu-dum'

"I can...." I tried to explain until I was interrupted.

"MY.ROOM.NOW" He carefully(mercilessly) said. As he was saying that a fly passed by his mouth. It ran.

'Lucky son of a bitch' I said in my mind. Hey I said I was innocent in the world. To myself...nah. But i'm pretty sure the fly died of a heart attack or sth.

I gulped again. "Help me Supriya" I said under my mouth and chuckled as we were going to his room.

"Shut up!!" My dad scolded and spit out enough saliva to digest a whole chicken.

Oh I'm so dead....

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